
发布时间:2018-01-17 16:26

  本文关键词:楚国神灵信仰与祭祀若干问题考论 出处:《西北大学》2016年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 楚国 鬼神信仰 祭祀 礼仪

[Abstract]:The people of Chu "believe in ghosts, good temple worship in the national political activities of the state of Chu, plays a very important role in people's social life. Chu bamboo slips unearthed in the literature, combined with literature handed down in the state of Chu, belief and ritual related issues, including the ghost worship, sacrificial rites, offer study for the worship of ancient legends. Zhuanxu Gaoyang is, for the heavy Vulcan Yan Zuo, Li, Wu Hui Lu served as the post of the end result of fire and the" Vulcan "appellation, these ancient legends characters have the Godhead. Apollo Chu people worship the sun god evolution experienced" the people of God, "hybridity" Jedi through two stages, the Yan Emperor, he is a hero for Zhuanxu, Vulcan, ancestor worship and the worship of the sun product combination, is the unity of God God worship; God is pure with Dong Jun as the sun itself mainly in worship, worship Ritual on the survival and development of Chu people. Sun worship evolution and Chu family closely, influence the evolution of beliefs tend to be a reality. As for the Chu people's beliefs about "the one", "too much of a text area, in the unearthed materials, and combined with the" Curse of Chu Wen "the battle of Lantian and Qin Chu Chu to infer the historical facts in the Warring States period early middle had been" too much of a "belief, and Qin" too "faith can be Chu. Combing life too much water in < >" one "and" road "," too much of a relationship with the water "the Warring States Chu believes that" too much of a "theology, philosophy, has a close relationship between the three aspects of its relationship with Fu Xi too. From the angle of creation myth, that" Donghuang Taiyi ". As for Fu Xi Chu" our God "system, this paper points out that" life and the bamboo slips in Siming nine > Persons are the same, but the Godhead are all belong to God: the former, the latter indicating that territorial gods, the Warring States Chu is in the transformation period of life but also the Godhead, glimpse Chu gods system integration; "our" God Chu Jian in charge are associated with more or less and life. Can be regarded as God: "other banners with our God to life as the center to carry out their duties, clear division of labor, reflecting the concerns of life. The people of Chu Chu" five worship group godling late in the early and middle Warring States has formed a relatively fixed combination system, "five worship", Chu people focus more on the door for the prayer, households, and different; Zhou sidian, Chu "five worship" is on the way with no sacrifice, the sacrifice class, Chu people pay more attention to the "five collocation worship gods and sacrifice. A prayer ritual, mainly by Chu Jian in prayer. 涓虹爺绌跺璞,




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