
发布时间:2018-01-17 15:18

  本文关键词:孙中山三民主义与中西文化之关系研究 出处:《湘潭大学》2015年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 孙中山 中西文化 三民主义

[Abstract]:Sun Zhongshan is not only a forerunner of the Chinese revolution, but also a great thinker. As a thinker, his theoretical contribution is his systematization of the three people's principles. On the one hand, from the summary of Sun Zhongshan's decades of revolutionary experience, on the other hand, he draws on the ideological resources of both Chinese and Western sides. There are those who have thought in our country, who have managed the deeds of Europe, and who have created what I have seen alone. "therefore, the author believes that the study of Sun Zhongshan should focus on his three people's principles. It is not his revolutionary career. But to the three people's principles, although the academic research results are rich, but there is still room for expansion and deepening, especially in the late 19th century at the beginning of 20th century in China, historical changes. Cultural conflict and ideological transformation intertwined as Sun Zhongshan, who was determined to guide the Chinese society to a bright future. The first is to reflect its value as an ideological mentor, so we can only go deep into his three people's principles from the perspective of philosophy and culturology. It is on the basis of the above considerations that this article chooses the realm of discussion on the relationship between Sun Zhongshan's three people's principles and the two cultures of China and the West. This paper is divided into three parts. The first part mainly discusses the various dilemmas brought by the invasion of Western powers to Chinese culture. And on the basis of comparing the Chinese and Western cultural debates in other civilized countries in the East, the particularity of the dilemma of modern Chinese culture is highlighted, and it is compared with many ideological figures in modern China. Further emphasize Sun Zhongshan's three people's principles and the Chinese meaning and the world significance of the Chinese and Western cultural views. The second part is the main part of the full text, including three chapters, respectively from nationalism. The influence of Chinese and Western cultures on Sun Zhongshan's three people's principles is discussed in three aspects of civil rights and people's livelihood. In these three chapters, the author not only combs Sun Zhongshan nationalism. The stage course of the formation and development of civil rights doctrine and people's livelihood doctrine also attempts to make a systematic investigation and theoretical analysis on the relationship between Chinese and Western cultural traditions and the three people's principles. The third part is the conclusion. It is mainly from philosophy and culturology to analyze the theoretical gains and losses of the three people's principles founded by Sun Zhongshan on the basis of borrowing Chinese and Western cultural traditions. With a strong inclusiveness, its "three people's principles" is precisely because of borrowing the ideological resources of both Chinese and Western cultures, it embodies the theoretical charm with both systematic and Chinese characteristics, and is the greatest ideological achievement of China at that time. The three major problems of nationality, civil rights and people's livelihood have provided many solutions for future generations. However, due to Sun Zhongshan's misunderstandings of some aspects of Chinese and Western cultures. His theory of the three people's principles also has some merits to be discussed, and it also leaves room for the later Chinese ideological circles to seek a true solution to the Chinese problem.


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