
发布时间:2018-02-10 15:55

  本文关键词: 空间 视觉 观看 图像 出处:《西安美术学院》2016年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:The paper discusses the painting space from the angle of visual presentation, expounds the different characteristics of painting space during the period from ancient Egypt to modernism, and based on this, This paper contrasts and summarizes the unique features of Giacometti's painting space. Behind the representation of painting space is the painter's visual understanding of the world, and Giacometti lives alone in the background of modernism. From this point of view, I try to find out the connotation of vision through an absolute pursuit, and let the painting return to the viewing behavior itself, so as to restore the close relationship between man and nature. Giacometti and Cezanne follow the same path. Giacometti's pursuit of absolute goals, though remote, is not inaccessible. And that's what Michele Foucault sees as the mission of intellectuals. Modern image culture has led to the retreat of vision and human beings in the real world, so, again, to Giacometti. The paper is divided into four parts: the first part: in the context of modernism, Giacometti introduces the painting process of Giacometti in the background of modernism. And his historical origin with surrealism and existentialism. The second part: the space analysis of Giacometti's painting. From the angle of visual presentation, this paper expounds the different characteristics of painting space from ancient Egypt to modernism. The third part: the visual pursuit of Giacometti. Through the analysis of Giacometti's tracing and inheritance of Egyptian art and Cezanne's painting, we can understand the clues of Giacometti's visual concept of painting. At the same time, we use Melo Ponty's philosophy to analyze the possibility that Giacometti is looking for visual reality. Part 4th: the practical significance of Giacometti's study of painting. This paper discusses the depravation of painting and man in the image age, and emphasizes the important significance of painting returning to vision by discussing the brilliant vitality of Giacometti's painting in the soil of China.


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