
发布时间:2018-02-17 01:28

  本文关键词: 春秋文章 《左传》 《国语》 口宣之言 辞令 谏体文 家族作家群体 地域文化 雅正审美 出处:《上海大学》2016年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:In the works of literary history, The prose of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty is generally divided into historical prose represented by Zuo Zhuan, Guoyu, Zhanguo Policy and others, and those represented by hundred works written by the Analects of Confucius, Laozi and Mencius. One is that it is difficult to define the specific times, the other is the mixing of works based on ministry and prose based on text. In fact, since Liu Zhiji of Tang Dynasty put forward the viewpoint that the author of "Zuo Zhuan" excerpted the writings of the Spring and Autumn period, The prose chapters of the Spring and Autumn period have gradually emerged from the classics and historical works. However, on the one hand, the articles of the Spring and Autumn period are constantly compiled by the writers, on the other hand, the special studies still take the special books as the viewpoint, and the features of the articles are still difficult to know with certainty. This paper attempts to combine the two theories organically to carry on the macroscopic theoretical research on the Spring and Autumn text, which constitutes the main content of this study. From the external morphological level, the Spring and Autumn text is in the transitional stage of the ancient Chinese articles from the word of oral proclamation to the written writing. The two forms coexist and the main form is oral propaganda. The words of oral propaganda have already possessed the basic elements of written articles and have shown certain stylistic features. The main styles that can best reflect the characteristics of the articles in the Spring and Autumn period are the persuasive style and the lexical style. The article of persuading and remonstrating became an important style in ancient China, but the rhetoric was no longer brilliant because of the change of politics. The oral prose promoted the formation of written writing, and the writing written in the Spring and Autumn period was known to be mainly for the exchange of documents between various countries. Its direct source should be rhetoric, and the words of persuasion as a form of oral propaganda are very close to those of later generations. On the internal level, the writers of the Spring and Autumn inscriptions are mainly composed of officials from all over the world. The ideological content expressed in the Spring and Autumn period reflects the value of this stratum, that is, the so-called aristocratic spirit, which is based on the self-cultivation thought of "respect" for an individual. For society, there are various ideas about morality and government. This spirit is consistent for the whole group of literati and officials, but there is also the cultural collision and development based on the regional differences of different countries. The ideological content of the Spring and Autumn essay influences its aesthetic style, which has become a main aesthetic orientation of ancient Chinese articles.




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