
发布时间:2018-02-24 19:21

  本文关键词: 森林文化 林人共生 彝族 变迁 出处:《云南大学》2016年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Forest research is usually subsumed into the field of natural science, but because of the close relationship between forest and human beings, there is also a strong human nature. Forestry has the dual attributes of nature and humanity, especially when mankind is confronted with many ecological problems. Green water green mountain plays an increasingly important role in social and economic development and human survival. The two important functions of forest resources and ecology play an important role in the survival and development of human beings. Most of the progress of human civilization is based on the exploitation and utilization of forests. The decline of some civilizations or the shift of political center of gravity are often caused by the destruction of forests. The survival and development of the Yi people are closely related to forests. In the process of understanding, utilizing and protecting the forest, the Yi people have formed a forest culture with deep accumulation and rich connotation. The forest culture of the Yi nationality is mainly manifested at the material, spiritual and institutional levels. The Yi people make full use of forest resources to support their livelihood. In the process of using forests, they have summed up many skills of using forests. This is the essence of the Yi people's forest culture on the material level. At the spiritual level, the Yi people have deep feelings for forests. There are many forest-related customs in the aspects of primitive religious beliefs and life customs. From these customs, we can see that the Yi people respect the ecological concept of forests. At the institutional level, the Yi people have forest protection organizations and forest protection systems. The maintenance of the forest by the Yi people is mainly reflected in the three aspects of immediate afforestation, the forest system of Shenshan, and the forest protection system. The forest in the Yi nationality area did not change much before the Qing Dynasty, but after the Qing Dynasty, due to the sharp increase in population, the consumption of wages in agriculture, reclamation, mining and smelting, and flue-cured tobacco, Commercial logging, procurement of imperial wood, industrial consumables, political activities, military activities and other causes of forest destruction, causing a series of ecological and social consequences. Forest changes, scientific and technological progress, The intervention of modern way of life has caused the change of forest culture of Yi nationality, which makes some cultures related to forest fade or disappear. It brings challenges and opportunities for forest protection. The core of Yi forest culture is the symbiosis of forest people. In the symbiotic relationship between forest and people, forest is the main position, forest is the prerequisite, and only when there is forest, can there be human utilization of forest resources. In this process, the cognitive system of forest and the technical system of using forest are formed. The symbiotic relationship between forest and human originates from the forest and returns to the forest, which means that the forest provides the necessary conditions for the survival of human beings. Returning to the forest means that human beings protect the forest for a long time. The pattern of the relationship between forest and man is from forest to man, and then from man to forest, that is, forest-man-forest. Or the ecological concept of forest protection and forest use. The ecological concept of symbiosis of forest people is very precious in the construction of ecological civilization, and it has important reference significance for the construction of ecological civilization. The forest culture of Yi nationality plays an important role in the ecological protection of Yi nationality areas. Under the circumstances of the decline of biodiversity and the deterioration of ecology, Yi forest culture should be excavated and inherited to provide reference and path for ecological restoration and biodiversity protection. Yi plant culture is an important part of forest culture. The plant culture elements of the Yi nationality should be applied to the urban greening of the Yi nationality area in order to show the national characteristics and cultural connotation of the Yi region city.




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