发布时间:2018-03-03 08:20

  本文选题:越南绘画 切入点:阮思严 出处:《上海大学》2016年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:阮思严(Nguyen Tu Nghiem)出生于1922年,从1941年至1946年在印度支那高等美术学校(Ecole Superieure des Beauxux-Arts d’Indochine)学习绘画。他是越南现代美术画家的“四大画家”之一。他在漆画、油画、水粉画上很有造诣,是一位全才画家。他对越南美术巨大的贡献是开创了属于他自己的不重复前人的独特风格,他关于“劳动创造艺术”的观点得到大家的推崇。人们不能否认阮思严的艺术品德与他的作品对越南现代美术做出了巨大的贡献。本论文是在特殊的场合下,根据前人的研究基础并结合研究阮思严的作品,本人考察和研究了阮思严绘画的总体面貌与艺术风格。本文主体分为四部分:第一部分,按社会背景和生活环境的影响来了解和分析创作过程,思想的来源。其实是讨论在创作道路上他的风格是如何形成与演变。从初期作品来看,研究阮思严漆画最初风格形成,按社会背景和学习环境的影响,分析他的绘画风格。后面一个阶段是国家开放,各个美术学校都有越南画家讲授。从国家的社会和文化背景看,特别是受到排挤和文人阶层运动的限制,从客观原因分析画家在这一时期的创作所受到的主观原因的影响。他把所有的艺术热情都投入给了民间艺术。第二部分,在整个艺术创作的过程中,阮思严已经体验过了很多不同的题材,比如《社会主义现实主义》、《十二生肖》、歌颂民族英雄《Giong》、《秋江画像》等。对每个题材来说,他的作品又显示了不同的材料与造型风格。例如:对《社会主义现实主义》,他深入挖掘了劳动人们的生活。对《十二生肖》,阮思严的绘画手法发生蜕变,作品不仅仅代表礼仪的意义,而更多是崇拜风水。关于《Giong》,阮思严用立体的风格来塑造民族英雄和表达自己的爱国精神。《秋江画像》,代表了越南女人特有的性格特征,贤德、包容、勤奋和努力的完美形象。第三部分,这就是本论文的重点研究。漆画《古舞》是阮思严最具特征的作品。所以,本论文通过《古舞》来分析阮思严的造型语言特色,比如:构图、形状与线条以及颜色等。第四部分,汇总了各个方面对阮思严艺术的评价,分析他的艺术影响之后,为后来画家研究《古舞》奠定了基础,为越南当代绘画的发展提供了前提保障。提到一些新的突破,拿《古舞》来做例子:对各个年轻画家有怎么样的影响?作为后辈我们要注意采取哪些方法?这些研究直接影响到自己的创作,以及越南现代艺术的发展道路。特别是受到外来文化的冲击和各个不同的绘画类型的影响后,如何保留自己的本性并保留民族性。阮思严艺术成就丰富了越南美术现代性的内容,具有划时代的意义。他留下的丰厚的创作成果与思想理论遗产是我们继承、借鉴及发展民族绘画的宝库,值得我们永远学习和研究。
[Abstract]:Nguyen Tu Nghiemm, born on 1922, studied painting at the Indochina higher School of Fine Arts from 1941 to 1946. He is one of the "four greatest painters" of modern Vietnamese art painters. He is accomplished in lacquer painting, oil painting, and whitewash painting. He was a versatile painter. His great contribution to Vietnamese art was to create a unique style of his own that did not repeat his predecessors. His view on "labor creation art" is highly praised. People can't deny that Nguyen's artistic character and his works have made a great contribution to the modern art of Vietnam. This paper is on special occasions. On the basis of previous studies and combined with the study of Ruan Siyan's works, I investigate and study the overall appearance and artistic style of Ruan Siyan's paintings. The main body of this paper is divided into four parts: the first part, According to the influence of social background and living environment, to understand and analyze the process of creation and the source of ideas. In fact, it is to discuss how his style forms and evolves along the way of creation. From the perspective of the early works, the study of the formation of the original style of Ruan Siyan lacquer painting, According to the influence of social background and learning environment, it analyzes his painting style. The latter stage is the opening of the country. Vietnamese painters teach in every art school. From the perspective of the social and cultural background of the country, In particular, restricted by exclusion and the movement of the literati class, he analyzed the influence of subjective reasons on the painter's creation in this period from objective reasons. He devoted all his artistic enthusiasm to folk art. Part two, Throughout the process of artistic creation, Nguyen has experienced many different themes, such as Socialist realism, the zodiac, the national hero < Giong >, the portrait of Qiujiang, and so on. For each theme, His works also show different materials and stylistic styles. For example, for "Socialist realism", he deeply excavated the life of the laboring people. To the zodiac, Ruan Siyan's painting technique has changed. The works not only represent the meaning of etiquette, but also worship feng shui. About "Giong", Nguyen uses a three-dimensional style to shape national heroes and express his patriotic spirit. "the Portrait of Qiujiang" represents the unique character of Vietnamese women, Xiande. The third part, this is the focus of this paper. Lacquer painting "Ancient Dance" is the most characteristic work of Ruan Siyan. Therefore, this paper analyzes Ruan Siyan's styling language characteristics through "Ancient Dance". For example: composition, shape and line, color and so on. 4th parts, summarized all aspects of the evaluation of Ruan Siyan's art, analyzed his artistic influence, laid the foundation for the later painter to study "Ancient Dance". This provides a prerequisite for the development of contemporary painting in Vietnam. Referring to some new breakthroughs, take the "Ancient Dance" as an example: how do you affect young painters? As a descendant, what methods should we take? These studies have a direct impact on their own creation and the development of modern art in Vietnam, especially after the impact of foreign cultures and the influence of various painting types. How to preserve one's own nature and nationality. Nguyen Siyan's artistic achievements enrich the content of Vietnamese art modernity and have epoch-making significance. Draw lessons from and develop the treasure house of national painting, it is worth us to study and study forever.


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