
发布时间:2018-03-03 19:10

  本文选题:鲁迅 切入点:法语世界 出处:《湖南师范大学》2016年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Lu Xun because of his unique ideas and works to attract Western academic attention, become the dissemination and guidance of research Chinese contemporary literature in the French speaking world of the protagonist. In ninety years, Lu Xun spread and research of the French speaking world has achieved fruitful results, Lu Xun's works were systematically translated into French, Lu Xun research institute the research team of experts and gradually grow, not only the image of Lu Xun has been affirmed in the French academic circles, has penetrated into French society and people's daily life, more and more to be understood and accepted by French readers. "54" since the new culture movement China cultural value by more and more western scholars acknowledged and valued. Foreign academic circles are fully aware of the China literature world literature is an integral and important part. The famous French Sinologist Francois Julien why we study in the west " Philosophy cannot bypass China? > that "Western single experience" formed under the background of humanities to Eastern thought to its "introspection opportunity", "save" of western rationalism. The new century is a new era of globalization, we should follow the fine tradition in the Ancient Chinese Literature Search circles since the "54", pay attention to absorb the nutrients foreign advanced culture, but also actively to China cultural products and outstanding literary achievements to the world. In the communication system of China culture and literature in the context of globalization in the world and accept has become an important research direction in the West comparison literature. Therefore, systematically, the history and current situation Lu Xun summed up French speaking world research activities, as well as the future trend of development, is the inheritance and influence of Chinese literature and culture in foreign context, but also the introduction of advanced western research methods From a Western perspective to reflect the value orientation of the Oriental civilization. The object of this thesis is to study origin, popular science, characteristics of communication and media studies research from the perspective of Lu Xun in the French speaking world, law and enlightenment, hoping to further explore the contemporary significance of Lu Xun resources, two-way communication and cultural exchanges to promote Lu Xun in the global context the research content of the thesis is divided into eight chapters, respectively, from different periods of analysis of Lu Xun in the French speaking world communication and research status and characteristics, including foreign to the translation of Lu Xun's works, the study of Lu Xun text and literary theory, Lu Xun's enlightenment and revolutionary thought research and culture, the content of literary exchange activities the image of Lu Xun research. The first chapter is "form" of France and Lu Xun thought. This chapter briefly introduces Lu Xun's life and creation, Lu Xun's French literary translation activities, focus on Analysis of the French Thought in Lu Xun's literary theory, the formation process of enlightenment and revolution in the role. The second chapter is "the introduction of Lu Xun Chinese students in France (1926-1936)." this chapter collected 1926 to 1936 French translation of Lu Xun's works and the dissemination of information, translation and research of the dominant mode of Lu Xun during the period of French readers is oriented to China leave law students as the main force of the personal style of translation focuses on the introduction of Lu Xun and King Yinyu, and Xu Zhongnian Lu Xun's works in French translation, discusses the influence of Lu Xun and his works in French during the world of subjective and objective factors. The third chapter is "the spread of Lu Xun and Study on foreign missionaries (1937-1948)". In this chapter, 1937 to 1948 years in France, Belgium and other countries Lu Xun translation of the missionaries in China research activities carried out research, focusing on the good grasp of the kernel. BaoFeng, Xingli Ming, Lu Xun research achievements and limitations of Octa Gabriel. The fourth chapter is "the" Maoists "and" original faction "Lu Xun spread and acceptance (1949-1976)". This chapter introduces the spread of 1949 to 1976 years of Lu Xun works in France and acceptance, "Maoist" and "the original school" Lu Xun research activities as the main research object, analyzes the characteristics and limitations of the study period, mainly analyzes Lu Xun's translation of Beauvoir "Long March > and member of the Prague School of Berta Klebusova's research activities. The fifth chapter is" at the end of twentieth Century on Lu Xun's comprehensive translation and Research (1977-1999) ". This chapter mainly analyzes Lu Xun from 1977 to the end of twentieth Century contemporary sinologists. Research focuses on Michel Lua, Francois Julien etc. Sinologist Lu Xun research activities and views. The sixth chapter is Lu Xun "The image of Lu Xun in the new century (2000-2016)". This chapter of the new century, the creation of the image of Lu Xun in the French speaking world and accepted research situation, mainly analyzes Lu Xun's translation and research achievements of Sebastian Weija, Clay Zio and le Lu Xun to accept Lu Xun's contribution to the Sino French cultural exchange. The seventh chapter is "Ah Q < > the retranslation and interpretation. This chapter by Paul, Jean Madi, Martina Valette Emma Li, comparison between Michel Lua and Beijing foreign languages press < Ah Q > French translation, translator's understanding of Lu Xun's analysis and accept the situation and features of revealing the multi-faceted Ah Q. The eighth chapter is" controversy ". This chapter mainly discusses the following contents: (a) a < weeds > debate; (two) Ah Q still exist? (three) Lu Xun is a humanitarian? (four) Roman Roland and Lu Xun's letter; (five) Lu Xun Inroman Roland's "body with". The controversial re traced, clarify some controversial historical issues. The conclusion part is the summary of the whole thesis, through the analysis of Lu Xun in the French speaking world and spread of the works of Lu Xun, revealing the development prospects in the future development of the French speaking world, Lu Xun and enlightenment the revolutionary spirit for contemporary society, progress significance. In different historical periods, the spread and research of French Lu Xun's world show different trends and characteristics, development law conform to the historical trend. In conclusion, the evaluation of Lu Xun and his works in French world high.20 century Lu Xun in the French speaking world communication and study the course was completed by Lu Xun from the China writers towards the world writers historical cognition, communication and Study on Lu Xun in twenty-first Century will continue to move forward, the gradual completion of Lu Xun culture in the world Shaping the image of celebrities and acceptance. French world Lu Xun future research may be as follows: the development trend of the world on the one hand the French Lu Xun in twenty-first Century to continue to strengthen the national reading of Lu Xun's text, pay more attention to the work of national criticism and Enlightenment of the modern value of inspection, and combined with the western philosophy, western theory of literature creation the mechanism demonstrated the world feature in Lu Xun's literature. On the other hand, the research focus from the field of literature gradually turned to the field of sociology, research on the mechanism of invisible text research shifted from tangible, namely Lu Xun's Sociological Study on impact, influence of the object is not limited to one population, a class, time is not limited to one effect of age, not confined to literature, cultural field. The result of this influence may be visible text output, there may be invisible personality.21 Century Law The world Lu Xun study will further develop relevant research results more comprehensive, systematic and profound. The world of Lu Xun is not only reflected in the works of the world consensus, also reflects the widespread psychological cognition in the spirit of the universal constraints on social psychological mechanism of its GREE radiation under the thinking of "in the world in the ideal human nature and seek answers.





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