
发布时间:2018-03-07 11:35

  本文选题:审美无利害 切入点:反思判断力 出处:《扬州大学》2017年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:The British aesthetician is "theoretical pioneer of aesthetic disinterestedness said. The British aesthetician around the provisions of aesthetic activities, to distinguish between aesthetic activities and aesthetic pleasure, aesthetic inner mechanism, the problem of Aesthetic Subjectivity and universal, was studied systematically. The" aesthetic disinterestness "said by Ronald Fuzi Bo proposed by Hutcheson, Addison, Hume, et al. Development of blog, a relatively complete and mature aesthetic ideas. But the British aesthetician's" aesthetic disinterestness "said is not complete, is essentially different from Kant. British aesthetician" aesthetic disinterestness "said understanding and moral the theory comes from Rock's ideas and were sentimental moral theory, the former British aesthetician insists on aesthetic feeling, will feel confused and emotional, failed to complete the aesthetic subject to the latter; The British aesthetician will be based on common moral and aesthetic emotion according to the above, failed to make the real aesthetic from the moral independence. British aesthetician hovering between subjectivity and objectivity of Aesthetic Subjectivity and universality, not really combined, indicates the particularity and complexity of the aesthetic problems. Apparently only beyond Rock the concept and sentimental moral theory, aesthetic disinterestedness can be really understood. Kant's "aesthetic disinterestness" based on his profound thinking of people. Kant reveals the nobility and dignity is as rational being tried to transcend its limitations, unremitting efforts and pursuit of self promotion the ideal personality in the way of human existence. The limited rationality caused by people's emotional nature, emotion also promote people to get rid of limitations, tend to improve its ability and source Emotional power. In "critique of judgment > before writing, Kant has been on the British aesthetician's" aesthetic disinterestness "said the reflection. Kant first reflection on the epistemology of Rock's idealism, advocated" human nature legislation ", the object world is subjective to eliminate the division between subject and object, aesthetic subject the turn completely ready. Kant in the theory of morality on sentimental moral theory, advocated the pure formal moral law provisions of the will of the people, all the emotional and material factors excluded from moral legislation according to the aesthetic and aesthetic pleasure and moral and moral emotion distinguishing possible. Judgment and reflection natural purposiveness reveals the innate aesthetic principle to help Kant, Kant to describe and summarize external aesthetic pleasure, that is why the aesthetic disinterestedness, how is disinterestedness in aesthetic pleasure Produced. Kant's "aesthetic disinterestness" is constantly thinking and maturity of the product, is not easy. Kant really illustrated aesthetic disinterestedness, aesthetic and aesthetic pleasure from other activities and emotional pleasure of independence. Kant aesthetic feeling from passive to enhance the aesthetic judgment of spontaneous and complete the aesthetic subject of steering; Kant human cognition, moral, aesthetic activity reduced to different judgment forms, functions and their respective designated territory; Kant will feel separated from the emotional, aesthetic pleasure and sense will soon, separate good pleasure areas, to clarify the characteristics of Kant's aesthetic pleasure; also from the main body of specified disinterestedness in aesthetic pleasure is a freedom of imagination and understanding the game result, two in line with the proportion in the mood, inspire each other, and promote each other. Through the experience of beauty in kant, The pure aesthetic judgment and aesthetic pleasure, beauty and attachment free beauty, natural beauty and artistic beauty of the link, to provide a gentle transition and promotion channel for people from perceptual charm to the habit of moral interest. Kant also reveals the emotional state of another kind of disinterestedness, namely the sublime, show from the pure perceptual state to a rational state gradually. Through mathematics and mechanics of the noble noble, who obtained by the cognitive ability and the theoretical reason and practical reason to desire the ability to ascend, tend to be more emotional and aesthetic sense of morality. Only about beauty and art, but also on the linked to on the one hand, the aesthetic judgment disinterestedness, provides a non conceptual, is different from the theory of rational reflection and grasp the art of natural way, that can make people in mechanical nature to conceive of it as the purpose of the natural system. On the other side The ultimate goal of people from the surface, the natural beauty of the ornamental further about the nature, reflect its purpose, moral mission was also inspired by super sensuous. Kant Aesthetic Subjectivity and universality together, clarifies the particularity of the common aesthetic. Aesthetic judgment is a single judge but demands generally agree with others the aesthetic; often refused to agree by, people still like the same obligations rigid requirements and expectations; aesthetic generally agree there is no mandatory, is a gentle appeal. Kant found according to the innate aesthetic universality, which is common sense. On the one hand, the common sense of aesthetic to convey universally provide innate possibilities; on the other hand, in the common sense of aesthetic judgment in the concrete regulation of people's heart, to the exclusion of personal preference, the pure aesthetic judgment possible. Kant also found the aesthetic experience of the common root times According to the art and genius from appreciation to the US, the aesthetic gradually moves from the innate level to the experience world, from the inner state into the real object. The continuous achievement of aesthetic universality is also a process of continuous self improvement and civilization.





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