
发布时间:2018-03-08 19:44

  本文选题:唯物史观 切入点:生活方式 出处:《黑龙江大学》2016年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:In the traditional western philosophy plight of struggling in the background, one of the important turning of modern western philosophy is the life world. But the historical materialism established in the beginning, it highlights the inherent logic of return to the world of real life the Marx philosophy. Production from life, production and the purpose of life. Therefore, the research on the way of life and change for granted as a main content in the research of Marx's philosophy. Marx's life style theory with the realistic individual as the basis of the research, in order to practice as a dynamic change of life style and life style transformation results in the formation of social forms. As a way of life and historical materialism other relevant basic categories and composition of intrinsic elements of life style, and way of life in the whole play different roles in the way of life itself. The evolution is through the "catalytic permeability" elements of the "internal factors" complete. "Marx returning to the real life world" way of thinking, not only marks the fundamental differences with the traditional philosophy and modern western philosophy, from the perspective of life style change of philosophy logic of historical materialism, but also contains the value proposition the practical difficulties facing the current social life style and the way of existing, highlighting the "change the world" social mission. It is based on the evolution of the existence of human life, the founder of Marx's philosophy of science to reveal the basic law of the development of social history, the main line of the historical materialism theory system to develop a lifestyle change.





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