
发布时间:2018-03-12 22:48

  本文选题:王安忆 切入点:都市文学 出处:《上海大学》2016年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:This paper takes the Shanghai narrative in Wang Anyi's literary works as the analysis object, combines the concept of modernity with the modern and contemporary Shanghai literature and cultural history, tries to narrate the connotation from the perspective of narrative. The inner logical structure of Wang Anyi's narrative in Shanghai is deeply analyzed from four aspects of spiritual space and narrative characteristics, and the cultural significance of Shanghai narrative of Wang Anyi is tried to be deeply analyzed. Summarizing Wang Anyi's unique narrative literary experience in Shanghai. Shanghai is the most important creative resource for Wang Anyi, and writing Shanghai works represents the height of Wang Anyi's creation. Wang Anyi's narrative in Shanghai also condenses its core idea: the cultural characteristics of Shanghai are highlighted from the daily life of ordinary people, reflected in the input and persistence of daily life. Only in the trivial daily world, can we see the history of Shanghai's spiritual and cultural space and the possibility of its future development. The first chapter of this paper begins with Wang Anyi's narrative identity in Shanghai. By analyzing Wang Anyi's personal experience, especially her relationship with Shanghai, to look at Shanghai in her writings, and to position Wang Anyi's personal identity as an outsider, a resident of the lane hall, and an intellectual. The second chapter of the thesis combs the writing objects that run through Wang Anyi's narrative writing process in Shanghai. In particular, the attention of the bottom characters and the separation between the city and the countryside form a unique narrative theme of Shanghai. The third chapter attempts to describe how Wang Anyi describes the daily life of the people in the Shanghai narrative works. The spiritual significance and cultural connotation of the city to find the spiritual space built for Shanghai by Wang Anyi's Shanghai narrative. At the same time, it reveals the anxiety of seeking identity in Shanghai under the background of globalization. Chapter 4th summarizes Wang Anyi's narrative characteristics of Shanghai, the combination of documentary and fiction, the delicate description of real urban life and the imaginative experience of urban history. Against the background of daily life and legend, the value and significance of individual life emerging from the daily mediocre urban life constitute a unique style and feature of Wang Anyi's narrative in Shanghai, and the distinctive features of women's writing. The last part of the thesis reviews and compares the literary journey of Shanghai narrative, and focuses on the analysis of Wang Anyi and Zhang Ailing, whose Shanghai narrative is related to left-wing literature. The new sensational literature, Su Qing, Zhang Ailing and other Shanghai narratives are in the same line. This is not mainly an expression of Wang Anyi's inheritance and continuation of literary tradition in the dimension of time. But Wang Anyi used his own unique style of writing to depict the true spiritual connotation of Shanghai and express the profound interpretation of Shanghai culture. Through a detailed and detailed description of the daily life of citizens, the constancy and stability of urban culture, In this way, we are constantly looking for a fictional Shanghai, which starts from the modern imagination in history. Wang Anyi has greatly enriched the cultural connotation of Shanghai's narrative. The literary peak of Shanghai narration is juxtaposed with Zhang Ailing. The style of daily life written in the lyrical style of female meaning is presented in the poetic realism style in Wang Anyi's works. And full of flexibility and stability of the spirit, this is Wang Anyi's unique narrative style of Shanghai.


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