
发布时间:2018-03-20 08:51

  本文选题:现代汉语 切入点:流水句 出处:《吉林大学》2016年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Based on the theory of three planes grammar research framework from cognitive linguistics, functional linguistics, text linguistics, theory and research methods of Typology in linguistics, discusses the syntactic and semantic of modern Chinese sentences, discourse and other issues, reveals the inherent laws of various sentences in "parataxis" characteristics under the implied, and from semantic cognition, discourse function, several aspects of language types are explained. The first chapter elaborates the reason and the significance of the topic, research content, research methods and theoretical basis. The second chapter is review. First summarizes the three stages of development and research of complex sentences the achievements, status quo of research of compound sentences, and points out the main problems. Then from the characteristics, classification of sentences, and semantic relations between clauses of four aspects, summarizes the study of sentences In the achievements, deficiencies are analyzed. The definition and characteristics of the water. The third chapter sentence on the basis of previous research results, re defines the connotation and denotation of sentences "concept, focusing on the characteristics of sentences, sentences and compare the similarities and differences of tag complex sentence, sentence and the flow of water paratactic sentences. In the fourth chapter, the syntactic analysis of water. Through a large number of examples, summarizes the sentences clauses between sentence connection types, summarizes the structure characteristics of sentences sentence connection, focuses on the analysis of the composition of water clause subject, explains the role of" subject "and the syntactic constituents in water the syntactic structure of the sentences. The fifth chapter first summarizes the semantic analysis. The semantic classification of sentences, sentences according to the semantic relation between the sentences, the sentences are divided into parallel relationship, explain the relationship to a causal relationship between the several times. From the second category; semantic point of view, discusses the sentences of each clause between the semantic association component. The sixth chapter analysis of water sentence clauses. Firstly, cognitive analysis method used in cognitive linguistics, respectively from the arrangement of sentences sentence word order, arrangement of two principles, summarized the sentences sentence combination the common order, summed up the cognitive principles of sentence word order sentences. Secondly CognitiveLinguistics iconicity theory, "graphics and background theory, such as" ICM "theory, explains the hidden in the dominant sentences within the small sentence order of the cognitive mechanism underlying rules that run on sentences. An analysis of chapter seventh chapter water. Use" topic "," topic chain "," information structure "," research methods of topic progression model "of text linguistics, discusses the sentences of clauses in discourse cohesion, topic types Topic and topic selection, function principle; analysis of sentences sentence topic chain links; focusing on the water topic sentence clause advance mode. The eighth chapter is the analysis of the types of sentences of the language, from the two angles of characteristics of isolated language and Chinese way of thinking, explain the sentences in many Chinese sentences with distinctive characteristics. The ninth chapter is the conclusion, review the research results of this paper, points out the unsolved problems in the research. Based on the language facts, fully investigated the syntactic, semantic and pragmatic flow, the three aspects of characteristics, multi-faceted, multi-level, multi angle in-depth description of sentences, preliminary build the overall framework of sentences, summed up the sentences in "parataxis" of the "form" characteristics. Based on the investigation of water connection type small sentence sentence patterns, proved a lot of incomplete predicate Sentence, use the non subject predicate sentence. Sentences in the syntactic forms showing "parataxis" characteristics; through semantic relation composition and cohesion and topic chain analysis, explain the sentences hidden "hypotaxis" features ", summarizes eight kinds of cognitive principles sentences sentence word order; using ICM theory, iconicity theory and graph theory to analyze the background of" hidden in the sentences in the clause cognitive mechanism. In short, this paper discusses both the macro and micro analysis, both descriptions of language facts, also analysis and interpretation of the data, both the inheritance of the results of previous studies, there are further deep thinking, and strive to in the full description of the language facts, excavate its internal laws, interpretation of the semantic and cognitive mechanism, suggesting that the text value.



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