
发布时间:2018-03-24 05:03

  本文选题:魏晋南北朝 切入点:风俗 出处:《山东大学》2017年博士论文

[Abstract]:From the perspective of "custom Weijin poems on a paper from the period > clothing, the Wei Jin Southern and Northern Dynasties, such as food, living customs and etiquette, holiday entertainment and other social customs of life, through the analysis of poetry in the Wei Jin Southern and Northern Dynasties customs about things and phenomena, to explore the inheritance and development of poetry in the literary genre at the same time. The method of using Dianmianjiege, discusses some special types of poetry such as silkworm, mulberry, weave poems, banquet poems, drinking poetry, rhyme of poetry, the departing poems, tour poems, abandoned funeral poems, poems, Shangsi poems, chess Fu Xiao Fu of the customs value, aesthetic ideal and philosophy the meaning and cultural significance. The use of folklore from the perspective of the southern and Northern Dynasties represents the elite culture works, customs and connotations of summarizing works, summary of Wei Jin Southern and Northern Dynasties custom Era Characteristics of deep interaction between custom and poetry literature. Analysis the first chapter from the perspective of the study on poetry dress customs in northern and Southern Dynasties. Weijin poetry recorded the splendid costumes scene, both women dress Jin, accessories, or man's crown, robe, duster, all gorgeous luxury, as show the women's charm and symbols. The development of clothing and the unconventional ways of scholars cannot do without the prosperity of agricultural production and handicraft technology, xiancan ritual, ritual ceremony Ji Tian and other countries, from the political level to regulate and promote the formation of folk customs of the silkworm, mulberry, but also provides a profound historical origin for poetry creation. Silkworm mulberry, silkworm, Pro is the description of the ceremony fabric works, there are mulberry symbolic chant, and the theme of the transfer of Acacia, contains rich cultural connotations. The clever use of clothing image of southern and Northern Dynasties costume through poetry A hairpin, mirror Daoyi, extremely has the breath of life that will convey emotion, feelings of separation, Konggui bitter lovesickness difficulties expressed more fully and delightfully, the ordinary clothing images out of the original physical meaning, become a symbol of emotional expression, showing the characteristics of the times, enhance the literature lyrical color. The second chapter mainly from the perspective of the study on diet custom poetry in Wei Jin Southern and Northern Dynasties has obvious refinement of the northern and Southern Dynasties diet, is singular and competitive luxury tendencies, both variety and production of fine food and drink, also has a complex process, eating utensils modeling exquisite, and exotic exotic. Eating a life of prosperity, directly contributed to the prosperity of the food and literature creation, bring Yongwu poems, court banquet poetry, poetry creation and prosperity. Drinking culture as prevalent during this period, both the Ganoderma lucidum, guangxi, Chrysanthemum, peach, jujube and other food, there are also five casual clothes and other pills, the formation of a new social diet advocating, become an integral part of the construction. The attention in the general's food items in his emotions and thoughts about life and diet in northern and Southern Dynasties, highlight the cultural connotations and moral characteristics, such as sea bass and, Brasenia homesickness, lotus and love, miss, will become common items on behalf of a kind of thinking, enhance the aesthetic value of food images. The third chapter mainly from the perspective of poetry for the research of Wei Jin and the northern and Southern Dynasties. The customs and customs of the northern and Southern Dynasties architectural symbolism, namely Feng Shui in the middle "," edge ", not only affects the city planning, the palace building construction and landscape design, but also related to the construction of poetry writing, writing content of urban palace Fu, describing the manner of Pastoral Poetry Fu dilute the natural language style has a role can not be ignored. The content of Duyi Fu Fu "to cover and contain everything, including the universe, the overall character of the broad perspective and excellence, the relationship between the writer and the Feng Shui closer. Whether documentary or imagery are Yi poetry, in depicting the reality in the past the city or the magnificent, magnificent palace, in the bustling city of custom images show extravagant and flashy. Many folk phenomenon, various landmarks, has the characteristic of image characters are a common interpretation of urban living, showing strong characteristics of the times. The southern and Northern Dynasties during the material conditions of increasingly complete travel custom travel range, Kyrgyzstan, ancestor worship God Daoxing, farewell tour travel off, etc. promote the prosperity of prosperity of the travel custom poems, poems and write the contents of the departing and change The development of literature on evolution of real and sharp customs records and reflect, showing the development of literati poetic communication and literature for the customs of the A new force suddenly rises. Masatada. In the tour poem prosperity reflects the prosperity of this period tour custom, people in the landscape description in gradually realize the independent aesthetic value of the natural landscape. Strengthening the writing structure model of landscape tour poem, showing the characteristics of the times Xuan travel landscape. The fourth chapter mainly from the perspective of the study on life etiquette and the northern and Southern Dynasties, including birth, marriage, funeral and other three aspects. In the family, this time praying custom forms, reflects the prosperity of frequent activities. Ghost culture in this period. Wear appropriate male flowers, fully showing the ancient for male desire, in male flowers should be poetry more concentrated exposition should close male flowers and fertility folk. Department. In the development and use of nicknames in print, show and other folk immortal art superstitions and popular Buddhist characteristics of the times. In the aspects of marriage, Kyrgyzstan, but fan, marriage customs have become the content of the poem especially marriage, and used a large number of abandoned "Mi Wu", "duckweed". "Fan" and other images, performance is abandoned because no children and old and abandoned, reflects the women's marriage in the subordinate position. In the funeral, Wei and Jin Dynasties of Han Dynasty is basically a continuation of the funeral system, funeral, cohesion in Jonathan, Confucian "ancestors" concept of life and death funeral procession in poetry, literary works, mainly in three aspects: death poem, Elegy and mourning poems. This period is the funeral elegy that way act as pallbearer singing funeral elegy, also written death awareness, emotional self in literary expression Since the song elegy; mourning poems are often caused by the memory of the deceased Grier deeply, make the person produces impermanence, life is fleeting desolate and helpless, make this a period of mourning is not only to mourn the dead, is living and the whole era of elegy. The fifth chapter mainly from the holiday, entertainment and study of Wei and Jin Dynasty from the perspective of custom in Wei and Jin Dynasties and the northern and Southern Dynasties. The festival is rich, holiday time trend is fixed, the atmosphere gradually relaxed, entertainment factor is obvious, not only prevent disaster infected by traditional means, also celebrate the entertainment trend of the times, and reflect the different thoughts, mutual penetration and influence of religious culture. The Shangsi Festival is the Wei and Jin Dynasties North Korea's most recreational means, the most prosperous festival for poetry creation, poetry in Shangsi both on the waterfront Fuxi, Pipa and other festival records, also literati poetry Wine Festival Entertainment, art, elegant The era of tendency. During this period, the customs and customs entertainment entertainment and customs, have to indulge in pleasure, the characteristics of the times. It is wanton pleasure to watch the fight scenes or mental recreation sports play chess, both instrument and dance, people are used to entertainment games, all permeated with contentment the ideal, the spirit of a detached object. As in chess Fu, embodies a thought inheritance and leisure game contest, even with Qiuxian cleverly combined to go, go to cast a mysterious color. The fairy house and the music form of this special Xiao Wei and Jin Dynasties, embodies the unique feelings of detachment that has become one of the most romantic symbol of Wei and Jin Dynasty. The conclusion part is mainly summarized in the Wei and Jin dynasties characteristics of Customs of the northern and Southern Dynasties, explain the relationship between the customs and literature inseparable. Wei and Jin Dynasties in ancient China as a "very fine history of God Free, very liberating "era, in many customs have shown accommodation and change of the times, this period of customs with diversity, inclusiveness, convergence, secular characteristics, also have the corresponding performance in the works. But not custom culture of literary creation and the source of power, thought at the same time also enrich the content of literary works, the literature itself has become a part of many customs and activities, and important customs activities also promote the formation of new literary creation theme and aesthetic pursuit. The perfect combination of literature and customs, more conducive to reflect the accumulation in customs in the deep cultural connotation, to complete the beautiful the social custom picture.



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