
发布时间:2018-03-26 13:28

  本文选题:中国 切入点:旅游目的地形象 出处:《陕西师范大学》2016年博士论文

[Abstract]:With the China tourist destination of the increasingly fierce competition, the destination image marketing has become one of the effective means to enhance the market competitiveness. Under this background, how to carry out market segmentation destinationimages precision marketing has become an important research topic. Chinese is a populous, multi culture, has a long history and in modern times happened the great social changes in the country, the different cultural groups exist. However, both at home and abroad to Chinese cultural groups of tourism destination image comparison research is still blank. Therefore, to carry out the comparative study between different cultural groups of the destination image, can not only enrich and deepen the content of the image of the destination, but also for the China tourism destination to provide practical guidance. The various cultural groups within a country are called cultural groups, it is a national cultural group The body further subdivided to cultural groups. In cultural groups also have group consciousness and behavior norms, the group culture is an integral part of national culture. According to the characteristics of cultural groups, comparative study to serve the tourism destination image, this paper puts forward to the cultural groups based on the time dimension, classification system spatial and attribute dimensions, and according to the typical and representative principle based on time dimension Lin selected five intergenerational cultural groups, the space selection of the three regional cultural groups based on the attribute dimension selection of sex culture groups as typical cultural groups in this study. In this paper, based on the destination image theory, culture determinism, environmental perception theory and social cognitive theory as the foundation, to China famous tourism destination in Hangzhou as a case, using the first hand data and comparative research method, based on single Factor analysis of variance and T test to compare the similarities and differences in cultural groups destinationimages cognitive factors, similarities and differences of the structural equation model between the internal cultural groups to cognitive dimensions of the image structure based on mathematical analysis and social network analysis compared the similarities and differences of lexical stereotypes based on the destination. The main conclusions of this research are: first, in China destinationimages cultural groups have significant differences. The differences between intergenerational cultural groups, groups of regional culture, gender culture group again. Intergenerational cultural group 50, between 60 and 70 after the group after the destination image of small differences in their evaluation of Hangzhou destination image was significantly higher than that of 80 and 90 cultural groups, at the same time, those born in the front, Hangzhou evaluation of destination image is higher; the regional culture group in Beijing, Shanghai and in groups in the original Different aspects of the destination image showed different differences, characteristics of their destination image. Overall, the cultural group Hangzhou evaluation of destination image is higher, the Central Plains culture group low Group Shanghai Culture Center; gender cultural groups destinationimages difference is small, the evaluation of the destination image of male culture the group is slightly higher than female cultural groups. Although different gender and cultural groups of tourist destination image has some significant differences, but compared to other two kinds of cultural groups, the personalized destination image is not obvious. In second, Chinese cultural groups destinationimages by common dimensions and personality dimensions of organic composition, showing the dimension structure the palm model ". The common destination in cultural groups Chinese dimension image including" city image "," tourism services and infrastructure "and" tourist attraction" Three, constituted a "palm palm model", the personality dimension depends on the different cultural characteristics in cultural groups, constitute a "palm model" fingers, such as the cultural groups in the cognitive image "destination atmosphere", 90 cultural groups in the cognitive image of "beauty food arts and cultural groups of women in the cognitive image of" local culture "and other dimensions. Third, culture is an important factor for the occurrence of destination image groups. The regional culture in the commercial culture, lifestyle and cultural factors; intergenerational culture in contentment, patriotism, the degree of personalization, international perspective and cultural factors; gender culture of economy. The beauty of the concern, always melancholy and moody and other cultural factors, is an important cause of cultural factors in community cultural groups destinationimages differences. The main innovations of this paper are three: first, the concept of cultural groups. The root According to the particularity of the research object, put forward a new generation covers, common concept of geographical and gender cultural groups in all cultural groups, and used to study the domestic cultural groups destinationimages differences. Second, revealing the cultural groups in Chinese destinationimages cognitive differences cognitive rule. Cultural groups in the destination image has common difference, whether cognitive image or stereotype. The intergenerational cultural groups destination image evaluation backwards showing cascade downward trend of regional culture; the group according to the features of different evaluation; evaluation of gender and cultural groups destination image has no significant difference. Third, found in the purpose of cultural groups as a common terrain dimension and the dimension of personality dimensions, and carries on the summary, proposed destinationimages dimension structure "palm model".





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