
发布时间:2018-04-09 11:14

  本文选题:南木特藏戏 切入点:传承 出处:《福建师范大学》2016年博士论文

[Abstract]:In this paper, the popular Tibetan opera in the Ando dialect area-Nanmute Tibetan Opera as the main research object, put it in the special historical and cultural context of the Ando region, to study its own mechanism of inheritance.Under the influence of Tibetan traditional Tibetan opera "Ajelam", Nanmute Tibetan Opera sprouted in the unique regional cultural context of Ando Tibetan area, and finally formed the Longwu Temple in Qinghai Province for the purpose of serving monks after "summer closed study".Labran Temple in Gansu to protect the well-being of the snow for the purpose of Nanmute Tibetan Opera.The religious nature of the religious teachings of the repertoire and the function of the exhibition formed the religious character of the Nemute Tibetan Opera, and the melody tone (singing, dancing, instrumental music) absorbed a large number of folk melody tones.Embodying the folk nature of the melodic tone of Nanmute Tibetan Opera, taking the love, kinship and daily life closely related to the life of the people as the narrative theme, highlighting the folklore of the narrative system of Nanmute Tibetan Opera, and being influenced by the regional culture of Ando Tibetan area,Nanmute Tibetan Opera absorbs, uses for reference, combines the artistic expression means of Peking Opera, and forms a unique performance style in the continuous art practice.The change in the inheritance of Nanmute Tibetan Opera is the function of the inheritance of Nanmute Tibetan Opera.Through gifts, petitions and sharing of these three communication methods of change, the formation of monastery to temple, temple to folk, folk to folk communication path, conducive to the widespread dissemination of Nanmu Tibetan Opera;The pluralistic orientation of functional meaning is beneficial to meet the psychological needs of different groups.The addition of professional performing groups and school education inherits the cultural self-confidence while inheriting the excellent culture of the nation; the monks' club, the villagers' independent association, and the professional performance group,The four-dimensional carrier of campus troupe and its special ways of teaching are beneficial to the existence of Namut Tibetan Opera.Through the changes of melodic tone in the local and the band, the Nanmute Tibetan Opera can adjust itself according to the local conditions.Adherence to the tradition of Nanmute Tibetan Opera is the internal structure of its inheritance.In the course of inheritance, Nanmute Tibetan Opera adheres to the sacredness of "sound", the sanctity of objects and the sacredness of its functions to satisfy the needs of the people to comfort the soul, to abide by the singing and dancing to meet the aesthetic needs of audiovisual habits;The core theme of the repertoire conforms to the needs of the times and the Tibetan values, and the value orientation and aesthetic orientation are both satisfied.In the inheritance of Nanmute Tibetan Opera, change and adherence to each other are the premise, in the change there is adherence to the strict, there is change in strict adherence, the two dialectical unity, to jointly promote the inheritance of Nanmute Tibetan Opera.Through the above argument, it is believed that change and adherence is the main mechanism of inheritance of Nanmute Tibetan Opera.


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