
发布时间:2018-04-10 07:55

  本文选题:科学技术史 切入点:长江中下游 出处:《北京科技大学》2017年博士论文

[Abstract]:With the help of local cultural units, the State Administration of Cultural Heritage of Metals and Metals from 2013 to 2015 conducted a systematic investigation of the early mining and metallurgical sites in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River at the key research sites of the State Administration of Cultural relics.It is found that there are a large number of early bronze metallurgical sites and mining sites in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River.The main age of the site is the Western Zhou Dynasty, the upper limit may reach the time of summer and Shang, and the lower limit is Spring and Autumn.There are common cultural relics with common characteristics such as sand red and brown pottery, hard pottery and so on, but the cultural connotations still show local characteristics.It is also found that most of the metallurgical sites in southwest Anhui and southern Anhui are located above the platform piers, while in southeast Hubei and northwest Jiangxi, there are more sites.However, the metallurgical sites in all regions prefer "backhill water", "living in the sun" and choosing the right side of the flowing water.The settlement with earthen walls and trenches may be related to the defense of mining and metallurgical production, according to which the mining and metallurgical sites are preliminarily divided from the perspective of production organization.On the basis of the domestic and foreign research results, the archaeological scientific method of revealing the early bronze metallurgical technology from the slag is preliminarily constructed in this study, in order to provide scientific guidance for the identification of the early bronze metallurgical relics in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River.It is found that there are two systems with tin and arsenic as the main alloying elements in the western part of the middle part of Anhui Province, which are different from those in southeast Hubei, northwest Jiangxi and southwest Anhui.In addition, the production of antimony bronze was also found in the southeast of Hubei and the central and western part of southern Anhui.The investigation is of great significance for understanding the north Jiangxi as a tin producer in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River.The closer the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River to the north of Jiangxi Province, the stronger the tin signal in bronze production, and the higher the proportion of arsenic bronze slag in Tongling is far away from the north of Jiangxi Province.Moreover, the metallurgical archaeological background of northern Jiangxi is relatively good, and there are no tin deposits in geological reports in Anhui and Hubei, suggesting that the source of tin is probably from northern Jiangxi, and the source of arsenic is local.The Yangtze River system plays an important role in the balance of resources.Bronze metallurgy in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, bronze casting activities did not achieve the separation of smelting and casting processes as in the Central Plains of Shang and Zhou dynasties, and the strict monopoly in high grade settlements, and even small and medium-sized settlements can even cast bronze ritual containers.Bronze production and use maintained its own local characteristics and failed to play the same social role as the Central Plains.The cultural background of this bronze industry pattern should belong to metallurgical production outside the Central Plains system.The field investigation and laboratory work of the early mining and metallurgical sites in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River provide important scientific materials for the study of the early civilization history and social complication in the Yangtze River basin.


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