
发布时间:2018-04-16 15:10

  本文选题:越南学生 + 汉语语法 ; 参考:《华中师范大学》2016年博士论文

[Abstract]:The Vietnamese students learning it is difficult to avoid errors during the Chinese Vietnamese and Chinese grammar. Because there are many similarities. Vietnamese and Chinese are the same, are isolated language, no morphological changes, has important grammatical meaning of word order and function words. All of this, the Vietnamese students mistakenly believe that the Vietnamese grammar and Chinese grammar is very similar Chinese grammar, very easy to learn. In fact, the Vietnamese students learning Chinese often appear all kinds of errors, some grammatical errors often occur at an advanced stage. Therefore, in order to help Vietnamese students to learn Chinese, I take Chinese grammar acquisition errors as the research object, through in-depth understanding of research level errors of Vietnamese students learning Chinese grammar, students find most difficult grammar and puts forward relevant teaching strategies. The author is engaged in Chinese teaching for more than five years in Chinese Department of Hanoi University in Vietnam, Has taught freshman, sophomore students. In teaching oral English class and writing class I found that there are many students Chinese grammar sentences, then try to write down these sentences, and summarized the classification, so that you can serve as a valuable corpus. Now writer has accumulated more than 1000 students learning Chinese. Grammar related. As a Chinese teacher, I have been thinking about this problem: Vietnamese students learning Chinese grammar is the most difficult is what? How can we allow students to write or speak grammatically correct sentences for Chinese students? What is the most difficult grammar points? In order to find out the reasons and measures to solve the to the accumulation of corpus, classification, investigation, analysis, hoping to deeply and systematically to study the specific situation. The main contents of this thesis include: from the students to speak, made The wrong sentence sentences in the corpus, the actual inspection of Vietnam junior class students learning Chinese was the most difficult grammar, will ease grammar error level to find order; the cause of the errors of the corresponding, suitable for the primary stage of the teaching method of Vietnamese students learning Chinese Grammar: according to the specific teaching scheme of Vietnamese students design to strengthen grammar. Hope for Vietnamese students learning Chinese grammar, teaching and research help, inspire.





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