
发布时间:2018-04-16 20:39

  本文选题:周扬 + 社会主义文艺 ; 参考:《南京艺术学院》2016年博士论文

[Abstract]:Zhou Yang felt the wind of the times and responded to it. In his youth, he took breaking the old system and building new China as his ideal, and from then on he devoted himself to the political practice of the socialist literary and artistic movement in our country.Zhou Yang began to spread Marxism as early as the left League period and was deeply influenced by Leninism. Lenin's theory on class struggle and non-spontaneity of socialist literature and art became the direct theoretical source of Chinese literature and art led by Zhou Yang.He first introduced the socialist realism theory of the Soviet Union, and thus led the socialist literary and artistic movement in our country. In Yan'an period, Zhou Yang personally witnessed the establishment of the paradigm of the Party's management of literature and art. On the one hand,A preliminary attempt was made to make Marxism-Leninism Chinese, and Mao Zedong was included in the Marxist-Leninist genealogy. On the other hand, socialist realism gained political recognition in the speech. After the founding of New China,Zhou Yang has become a concrete leader in the construction of socialist literature and art. Taking the "speech" as his program and class struggle as the theoretical basis, Zhou Yang has carried out the literary and artistic line of Mao Zedong by consciously popularizing and building the socialist realism system.Emphasis is placed on guiding the practice of literature and art management with dialectical ideas, which has brought up the peculiar literary and artistic phenomena in 17 th period of our country.To study Zhou Yang's management thoughts in various historical periods and to interpret his theoretical thinking and inspiration to the practical experience of cultural and artistic management in China is a problem that can not be avoided in the study of Chinese literature and art management.




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