
发布时间:2018-04-27 07:29

  本文选题:新世纪 + 西部长篇小说 ; 参考:《兰州大学》2017年博士论文

[Abstract]:The novel in the western part of the new century is an indispensable and important part of the Chinese literary world. Its writing horizon and expressive techniques have become more and more broad and diverse, and gradually become the focus of important literary phenomena and academic circles. On the basis of the analysis and arrangement, from three angles of historical disenchantment, local nostalgia and poetic construction, this paper combs and explores the manifestations and development trends of western novels in the new century in the aspects of creative resources, theme performance, creative skills, stylistic forms, narrative structure, language types, spirit temperament and aesthetic spirit. In the process of giving a holistic view of the western novels, the author tries to sum up and reveal the significance of literary history and aesthetic value embodied in the writing of the western novels since the new century, as well as the enlightenment to the contemporary Chinese literature in the new century. The thesis consists of three parts: introduction, text and conclusion. The main body consists of five chapters. The introduction part explains and defines a series of concepts involved in the paper, then combs and summarizes the existing research work, and finally deals with the reasons and significance of this topic, as well as the overall writing idea of the thesis. "Western Novel: the transformation of literature at the turn of the century", outlines the western novels. The evolution of the western novels in the new century is discussed, and the western spirit of the novel is explained. The outline of the evolution of the western novels is focused on the historical development of the western novels from 1949 to 1999, which is summed up as three stages of the new growth, the development of the Soviet Union and the prosperity and development, and each of them. After entering the new century, the transformation of the society as a whole has given birth to the transformation of the western novel itself and the discussion of the transformation of the western novels in the new century. It pays attention to the analysis of the causes and causes of the transformation inside and outside the transformation and the connotation of "Western experience". The definition of the concept of "western spirit" explains the new characteristics and new connotations of the "western spirit" in the transition period. "The pluralism and multidimensional perspective of the western history of this phase", starting with the key words of "historical disenchantment", examines the pluralism of the western writers in the novels and the western history of multi dimension. Analysis of the historical novels of the West on the history of individual history, family history, regional history, heroic legend, religious belief, and the history of "Cultural Revolution" and the history of "hunger". In terms of multi dimension, it explores the different narrative ways of western writers, such as stereoscopic perspective, modern reconstruction, fable presentation, and testimony writing for different patterns of history. The diversification and multidimensional perspective of the history of the West will help to pass through the historical fog and explore the historical truth. "The nostalgia of the western local novels", starting with the key words of "nostalgia in local nostalgia", focuses on the concealed nostalgia in the long local novels of the western region. As a result of the native land complex of western writers, the creation of the novel embodies a strong "nostalgia" sentiment. From the three aspects of "the dying village", "the folk life and the wind recollection", "the last one" of "the distant", the concrete expression form of the nostalgic writing in the western novels is discussed, and the literary significance of the nostalgia writing is explored. With the anxiety of modern invasion to the western writers, the nostalgia written in the western country reflects the writer's recognition and establishment of the identity of the western country, which embodies the literary expression of maintaining the historical memory and looking forward to the future of the western writers in the wave of globalization. "Poetic construction of the western novels", from "poetic nature" Starting with this key word, this paper analyzes the characteristics of the western novels in the new century in terms of noumenal and stylistic aspects. First, it is regarded as a response to the "poetic inhabitation" by the western writers of the natural scenery, the divine writing of the animals, and the reorientation of the relationship between nature and human. Secondly, it is considered that "poetic" is the origin of life. The yearning for sexual harmony, as well as the conscious promotion and transformation of the real life, and the tendency to idealize the life of life, represent the image of a series of ideal characters in the western novels, which reflect the poetic features of the western novels in noumenal aspects; finally, from the poetic features of the stylistic level, the western novels are in art. The form and aesthetic pursuit have a unique construction, which draw on the folk cultural resources and the traditional literary forms, and integrate the dialects and ancient languages. "The literary value and the creation dilemma of the western novels", with a view to the creation status of the western novels, reveals the value of their literature and explores the difficulties faced by them. The literary world in the new century, the rational spirit reflected by the western writers' creation, the humanistic care and the local consciousness of the West are the unique literary values of the western novels. At the same time, it also points out the difficulties in the western novels in the aspects of the narrative resources, the artistic expression forms, the reconstruction of the values and so on, and the possible exploration of how to go out of the predicament. The concluding part sums up the development process, the creative features and cultural implications of the western novels since the new century, and further clarifies the important value and significance of the western novels in the new century, and looks forward to the possible directions and trends of the future study of the western novels.



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