
发布时间:2018-04-27 05:41

  本文选题:幸福 + 德性 ; 参考:《黑龙江大学》2016年博士论文

[Abstract]:Aristotle was the first person in the history of western philosophy to make a thorough and systematic study of happiness. His two works, Nigomac Ethics and political Science, are also regarded as practical science of human happiness. Aristotle based on the theory of soul, from the rational function of man, demonstrated that happiness is the realization of virtue of the soul, and according to the theory of potential and reality, he pointed out that happiness is not only the possession of virtue, What is more important is the realization of virtue, and it will last for a lifetime. He divided happiness into two categories, the happiness of contemplation and the happiness of virtue, and thought that the happiness of contemplation was the greatest, the most similar to the happiness of God, but only a few could achieve it; and the happiness of the moral virtue of man was the second best. But it is the happiness that most people can achieve. Aristotle's discussion of happiness is centered on personal happiness and revolves around how to realize moral virtue. He believes that the achievement of virtue happiness must be based on the principle of the middle way, because the moral virtue related to emotion and practice is a quality of choice, which exists in the middle way relative to ours. The correct grasp of the middle way requires people with practical wisdom. Practical wisdom is the guarantee of a happy life, there can be no happiness without practical wisdom. Aristotle also pointed out that man is born a political animal and tends to the life of a city-state, and the citizen's happiness can only be realized by unifying the happiness of a city-state, thus completing the construction of his theoretical edifice of happiness. Aristotle's theory of moral happiness, though after thousands of years of baptism, still has practical value, which provides a useful reference for solving the dilemma of moral construction in contemporary society.




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