
发布时间:2018-04-29 01:30

  本文选题:儒家 + 生命哲学 ; 参考:《华侨大学》2017年博士论文

[Abstract]:Life education is not only an organic part of Confucian life philosophy, but also a theoretical practice of Confucian life philosophy. This is because the Confucian philosophy of life, on the one hand, explores the meaning of life and seeks to build a systematic and perfect value system; on the other hand, it expects to concretely implement its ideas into the living environment. In order to improve the quality of life of people at all levels of society. The ultimate orientation of its theoretical purpose is that if people encounter difficult social and life difficulties in reality, the Confucian ideology will provide the ultimate enlightenment of "settling down" in the secular and material aspects. It can be seen from this that the concrete connotation of life education of Confucianism is not only the metaphysical metaphysics, but also the practice of "integration of knowledge and action", and its ultimate goal is to point to the spiritual end-result of life education of Confucianism. In view of this, the author intends to take the concept and theory of "life" in the thought and theory of the representative figures of the Chinese Confucianists as the core of the study, especially the Confucius and Mencius, Cheng Zhu, The life theory and educational practice of Lu Wang and other Confucian sages are the focus of the research. I hope this kind of discussion and research will help to promote the mellowness and development of the Confucian scholars' own lives. I hope to promote the implementation and development of life education courses in Taiwan, where I live and work. From the perspective of the history of thought, Confucianism is an important part of China's excellent traditional culture. From pre-Qin Confucianism to Song Ming's Neo-Confucianism, the existence of human life has been given considerable attention. And has constructed the Confucian philosophy and the ethics thought theory system which has the rich connotation successively. Confucianism's emphasis on human life and its constructed ideology have had a profound impact on history, and more importantly, if it can absorb the essence of its thoughts and combine with the reality of the contemporary society to comprehensively innovate, This is of great value and significance to the life education of modern society and even to the promotion of people's harmonious life. In a word, this article regards the ideological wisdom of Confucian as the basic connotation of life education in contemporary society, and takes the detailed social investigation and discussion as the practical case of Confucian life education view in contemporary society. In the conclusion of the thesis, the author summarizes and reflects on the Confucian life education. To sum up, the author hopes that through such a discussion and elaboration, the author can not only contribute his own modest strength in the academic research of Confucian life education view, but also hope to have certain reference value in the social practice of Confucian life education view. So as to promote the development of life education in contemporary society.


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