
发布时间:2018-05-14 02:43

  本文选题:清真寺 + 洪灾管理 ; 参考:《华中师范大学》2017年博士论文

[Abstract]:The study on the role and participation of mosques in non-religious activities related to flood management is almost blank in the field of natural disaster. In order to study and analyze the coordinating role played by mosques in flood disaster management in 2010 and the ability and facilities of rural grass-roots organizations to cope with floods, this paper puts forward two basic questions. Three villages in Punjab south of the qualitative research method are used to study and analyze the problem in detail. As a bridge between grass-roots organizations and the outside world, mosques play an important role in different stages of flood management, and lighten the burden of local aid and development organizations in the disaster areas. It has become a platform for local men to come together to communicate, discuss, share information, and make decisions about their common interests, a role that is vital in the economic sense. In the course of this discussion, the affected people learned important information about the livelihood sector and cooperated with each other. Nevertheless, women generally do not appear in mosques and simply support their work outside, while imams and mosques create an important social and cultural environment for their participation. Pure fatalism and religious interpretation are conducive to the psychological comfort and support of the affected population by the community (grassroots organization), but also have negative effects. Most victims see no need for such "scientific care and support" because they believe in fate. This statement and perception of mosques is also controversial, with some arguing that unnecessary biases and labels hinder the functioning and potential of the mosque as a "welfare agency". This paper makes a strong call to all stakeholders in disaster management, including national civil servants, the private sector and citizens of society, to raise their awareness of the dominant position and role of mosques in the social environment, Motivate them to participate in mosque activities. The coordinating role of religious institutions such as grass-roots mosques, temples and churches in disaster management through non-worshiping secular activities can help save human lives, accomplish sacred causes, and prevent natural disasters from turning into catastrophic events. The disaster-related literature needs to recognize this role in order to tap the great development potential of these institutions and to guide their positive role in human work. This paper will focus on the role of mosques in non-religious activities, such as flood treatment, and try to fill in the current research gaps.




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