
发布时间:2018-05-22 09:12

  本文选题:戴震 + 内生现代性 ; 参考:《山东大学》2016年博士论文

[Abstract]:The eighteenth Century of Dai Zhen's life is due to the second social transition period of Chinese history. Dai Zhen's thought is a typical reflection of the academic theory. Only in the perspective of "endogenous modernity", the concept of modernity in Dai Zhen's thought can be understood. While the previous study of Dai Zhen, there are several kinds of research. The field of view: the theory of knowledge, ethics and metaphysics. Although many of these research fields have created many achievements in the study of Dai Zhen, there are many problems in the study: (1) studying Dai Zhen in the field of knowledge theory, or ignoring the theory of Dai Zhen, as well as the dry Chinese jurists, or the textual research of Dai Zhen, as in the same time. According to the credit, it is either Hu Shi, like Hu Shi, to compare the academic simplicity of Dai Zhen to the modern western scientific knowledge. (2) to study Dai Zhen in the ethical perspective, or to stand on the opposite of Dai Zhen as the song scholar, or to impose on Dai Zhen by the "freedom" and "democracy" that the researchers have set up. In fact, Dai Zhen Thinking only as a certain form and under specific knowledge or ethical norms, the metaphysics dimension of Dai Zhen is ignored. (3) the study of Dai Zhen with the help of Western metaphysics, such as philosophy, materialism or idealism, language philosophy, and so on, not only has the danger of "western law", but also more important. It has never been revealed that Dai Zhen's thinking way of breaking the thinking mode of "Metaphysics - shape and down" in song and Ming is the source of thought. In our view, it is the lack of the source view, which makes it difficult to understand Dai Zhen's understanding of Dai Zhen so far. The task of this article is to consciously return to the origin of "life", with a view to re understanding the modern concept of Dai Zhen's thought. Thus, the following work will be carried out according to the following steps: first, comb Dai Zhen The historical process of the modernization of Confucianism and the concept of modernity are related to the times and the academic fortune of Dai Zhen's thought. The general feature of "modern social transformation" is that the "family society" of the former modern "family society" is gradually transformed into a modern "civil society". In the mode of production, the self-sufficient small peasant economy is transformed into a market oriented commodity economy; in the way of life, the life of the villager who is linked by blood is transformed into a citizen life with the main body of the stranger; in the cultural concept, the elite style of the scholar bureaucrat culture turns into a secular citizen culture. In the late Ming Dynasty, under the guidance of Yangming, a modern trend of thought of "respect for love and reason" was set off under the guidance of Yangming school in the late Ming Dynasty, and the modern transformation of the Confucian political idea opened under the spirit of "the use of the world" in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. In the period of Qianlong and Jiaqing, a Chinese Renaissance movement was formed in the study style of "seeking truth from facts". On this basis, Dai Zhen thought, which originated from the modern life style, was a modernistic philosophy construction. Second, elucidating the original horizon of Dai Zhen. In the course of the modernization of Confucianism, there is no doubt that in the course of the modernization of Confucianism, there is no doubt that the Confucianism of modernity has a strong attention to the reality of life. Wang Gen advocated the invention of "conscience" in the "daily use of common people", which means that the individual subjectivity is the daily life of common people. Li Zhi's concept of "dress in clothing, that is, the physics of human nature", means that all the knowledge (Physics) and Ethics under the world are the origin of the daily life (dressed in clothes). Gu Yanwu, Huang Zongxi, Wang Fuzhi and others are the "worldly use" God, which reflects the various forms of life for the life. It is the urgent need of academic research. Yan Yuan's thought of "practice" tells people that only in life practice can we verify the usefulness and futility of ideas and ideas. However, the academic construction of the above people did not jump out of the discourse system of song and Ming science. In the source view of Dai Zhen, he opposed the song Confucianism to demarcate the metaphysical "Dao" and "human use" under the form of "human nature". He believed that only by insisting on "Tao" in the "daily use of human nature" could he avoid the vain of metaphysics above life. The concrete construction of Dai Zhen thought is embodied in the academic approach of "seeking truth from facts". In Dai Zhen, the "facts" in the classical literature of Confucianism is not a "document fact" in the meaning of textual criticism, but a combination of "life style" and "life concept" in the times of Confucius and the sages of Mencius. This requires that Dai Zhenjie The exegesis tool to help textual research goes to the meaning and thought of the sages behind the classical literature. Then, Dai Zhen's sense of justice turns back to his own life origin, constructs his own modern life concept through the textual research of his own modern life style. Third, on the basis of the previous research, according to the modern academic plan. The metaphysics of Dai Zhen (cosmological existentialism), human nature and Metaphysics (including the theory of knowledge and Ethics) were studied respectively. In metaphysics, Dai Zhen criticized the thinking mode of "two points for Qi" in the Song Dynasty. In the view of Dai Zhen, the existence of the universe is manifested as a whole form of "gasification as a way", and there is no metaphysical transcendental ontology on this basis; in the flow of gasification, the universe is generated by the universe; It embodies the "birth" characteristic of the existence of the universe, and gives the intrinsic value of the "birth and the bar" of the universe by the law of gasification. Through the deconstruction of the ontology of science and the reconstruction of the theory of the existence of the universe, Dai Zhen has laid the theory of metaphysics for the later modernity of human nature, knowledge and ethics. On the issue of human nature, Dai Zhen criticized the two points of human nature of the "nature of temperament" and "nature of heaven and earth" in the song Confucianism. After the stage, Dai Zhen pointed out that human nature is a process of generation from "nature" to "necessity" given by the epidemic of gasification. As far as the specific content of human nature is concerned, human nature is a unity of "blood gas" and "heart knowledge". In terms of the overall structure of human nature, human nature includes "desire", "love" and "knowledge" three. Furthermore, in the discussion of the question of "good", Dai Zhen inherited the discourse of Meng Zi's "goodness of human nature" and the connotations of Xunzi's "good ethics". Through the idea of "heart knowledge", Dai Zhen combined the double meaning of "good of humanity" and "good ethics". The critical inheritance is a comprehensive innovation of the two family theory of Mencius and Xunzi. In the theory of human nature of Dai Zhen, the value of human nature embodies the inherent existence of the human nature; the expansion of human value is embodied in the living activities of the human being; the individual value of human beings is superior to the universal value of human beings. It will lead to the conclusion of "not waiting for learning" or even "discarding". Dai Zhen believes that the knowledge theory of song Confucianism reverses the relationship between "knowledge" and "morality", and does not endow knowledge itself with an independent value position. In terms of the relationship between the object of knowledge and the subject of cognition, the knowledge of objective existence is bound to be recognized by the subject. As for the cognitive object, knowledge can only be the internal law of things, only the "division" of the thing itself, the "doctrine" and the new "sense" constructed by the main body weight on this basis, and the subjective existence of the subject. In the epistemology of Dai Zhen, he not only provided a theoretical explanation for the academic textual research of the Qianjia academic at that time, but also the theory of Dai Zhen's epistemology as a universal theoretical construction until today is still profound. The reason why the ethical concept of "heaven" and "extinguishing human desire" has evolved the social tragedy of "killings", because it reverses the legitimate relationship between "love" and "reason" in the theoretical root of science. The earthquake emphasizes that morality is not a virtuous noumenon above the desire of love, but it is only the "desire to reach love" in the world. As for the mechanism of moral occurrence, Dai Zhen requires the cognitive method of "power" through the practice of ethics through the theory of "feelings of flocculation" and "power things". In terms of ethics, Dai Zhen constructed a concept sequence of "benevolence to righteousness", and constructed a concept sequence of "wisdom, benevolence, and courage" in the moral level of the subject. In Dai Zhen's ethics, the presupposition of moral metaphysics was abandoned by the Confucian scholar, and the moral therefore could be deeply rooted in the daily life of the reality. Through our research, we can find that the thought of Dai Zhen is both a rebellion against the traditional Confucianism represented by song and Ming Neo Confucianism, and a certain extent to the primitive Confucianism represented by Confucius, Mencius and Xun. In essence, it is a modern philosophical construction on the basis of integration and innovation.




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