
发布时间:2018-05-27 20:06

  本文选题:城市文脉 + 文脉保护 ; 参考:《天津大学》2016年博士论文

[Abstract]:Urban context is the accumulation and inheritance of rich historical information produced in the process of urban development. It is the concept of concomitant existence among various elements of the city. It emphasizes the multiple relations between individual elements and between individuals and the city as a whole. It is the inner soul of urban development. Urban public art is an important organic link between urban form and urban image, which reflects the social cultural normality and aesthetic taste. With the development of the city, public art has gone through the process of emergence, replacement and regeneration. Its form and connotation are closely related to the development of urban context. However, the research and design of public art in urban construction in our country deviate from the development of context. With the development of polarization between the design and homogeneity, public art becomes a static segment which can not transfer the spirit of the city, and then falls into the dilemma of designing chicken ribs, which separates the connection between public art and urban culture and makes public art become a static segment which can not transfer the spirit of the city and fall into the dilemma of designing chicken ribs. The purpose of this paper is to rearrange the creative ideas of public art based on the theory of urban context and to discuss the creation and promotion of the field spirit of public art and urban public space. Firstly, the evolution of cultural context and the theory of the relationship between context and urban framework are combed. Secondly, aiming at the existing problems and potential opportunities of urban context protection in China, this paper discusses how to realize the protection of urban context through the means of public art design. In order to achieve the purpose of improving the quality of urban public space; thirdly, draw lessons from foreign experience, explore how to achieve a high degree of harmony between urban public art design and urban context, so that public art design can become an important means of urban context protection; Pay attention to the emotional needs of urban residents, so that public works of art can really be accepted by the public, rather than just follow the subjective consciousness of the artists themselves as works of art. Finally, By analyzing the scale relation, emotion element, field restriction, interactive function and so on of public art works (taking Shenyang as an example), this paper probes into the strategies and design principles that should be used in public art design of urban context. On this basis, it analyzes the combination of public art and urban context.


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