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发布时间:2021-07-13 23:38

【文章来源】:陕西师范大学陕西省 211工程院校 教育部直属院校

【文章页数】:101 页


List of Abbreviations
Chapter One Instruction
    1.1 Research Background
        1.1.1 The Importance of English Listening Comprehension
        1.1.2 The Current Situation of English Listening Comprehension Instruction atJunior High School
    1.2 Significance and Innovation of the Current Research
        1.2.1 Research Significance
        1.2.2 Research Innovation
    1.3 Layout of the Thesis
Chapter Two Literature Review
    2.1 Theoretical Foundation of Scaffolding Instruction
        2.1.1 Zone of Proximal Development
        2.1.2 Constructivism Theory
    2.2 Scaffolding Instruction
        2.2.1 Definition
        2.2.2 Types and Characteristics
        2.2.3 Implementation of Scaffolding Instruction
    2.3 Learning Autonomy
        2.3.1 Definition
        2.3.2 Components
    2.4 Research on Scaffolding Instruction (SI) at Home and Abroad
        2.4.1 Research on SI on English Listening Comprehension Performance
        2.4.2 Research on SI on Learning Autonomy
    2.5 The Relationship between Scaffolding Instuction and Learning Autonomy
Chapter Three Methodology
    3.1 Research Questions
    3.2 Research Subjects
    3.3 Research Instruments
        3.3.1 Quantitative Research
        3.3.2 Qualitative Research
    3.4 Research Procedures
    3.5 Data Collection and Analysis
    3.6 Scaffolding Instruction Implementation
Chapter Four Results and Discussion
    4.1 Results and Discussion of Students' Performance in English Listening
        4.1.1 Results of Performance in the Examination
        4.1.2 Results of EC's Performance in Multiple Choice Questions andBlank-filling Questions
        4.1.3 Discussion of Performance in the Examination
        4.1.4 Discussion of EC's Performance in Multiple Choice Questions andBlank-filling Questions
    4.2 Results and Discussion of How Scaffolding Instruction (SI) Affects EnglishListening Performance
        4.2.1 Group A Students
        4.2.2 Group B Students
        4.2.3 Group C Students
        4.2.4 Discussion of How SI Affects English Listening Performance
    4.3 Results and Discussion of Students' Learning Autonomy
        4.3.1 Decision-making
        4.3.2 Beliefs about Their Own and Teachers' Roles
        4.3.3 Motivation
        4.3.4 Metacognitive Strategy Use
        4.3.5 Discussion of How Scaffolding Instruction Affects Students' learningautonomy
Chapter Five Conclusion
    5.1 Main Findings
    5.2 Implications
    5.3 Limitations and Suggestions
    Appendix Ⅰ
    Appendix Ⅱ
    Appendix Ⅲ
    Appendix Ⅳ
    Appendix Ⅴ
    Appendix Ⅵ
    Appendix Ⅶ

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