
发布时间:2017-12-27 02:31

  本文关键词:阿尔泰语系诸民族帝王神话传说比较研究 出处:《中央民族大学》2017年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 阿尔泰语系诸民族 帝王神话传说 比较研究

[Abstract]:This paper mainly uses the theories and methods of comparative literature and comparative mythology, comparative study of the story, to study and explore the relationship between the North Altai languages of nationalities in the imperial myth and relevant national or regional similar myths and legends, occurrence of development to explore the national imperial mythology, induction and analysis of its original form and characteristics. This paper is composed of introduction, four chapters and conclusions. The introduction mainly discusses the comparability and feasibility of the comparative study of emperors and myths in Altai language family, as well as the theory and method of comparative study, and the general situation of related research. The first chapter is a comparative study of the myths and legends of the monarchs of the Altai languages. This chapter mainly uses the comparison method, the Altai family of nationalities "emperor photosensitive myth" and "touching type myth" and the related ethnic or national similar myths and legends of comparative analysis is carried out between various ethnic languages of Altai, such myths and legends of the development path and its original features and characteristics. Thus, the basic plot motif of the Altai family among nationalities in the Mongolian Buryat tribes, Kazak, Kirgiz and Manchu mythology is similar, can be identified belong to the same type of myth and narrative theme. The second chapter is the comparative study of the myths and legends of the monarchs of the Altai languages. In this chapter, using the research methods of motif types, the emperor was born in Altai speaking peoples singular myths and legends of the motif types are divided into "rib type birth myths and legends, myths and legends with fetish birth type" and "oviparious type myth", and the myth motif are analyzed and compared, and detailed the same type of ethnic or national myth motif between nationalities and that: Altai family ancestor emperor singular common myths and legends between the birth of "oviparious motif", "rib birth motif" and "hand Fetish birth motif" story, sacred to emphasize their origin. The third chapter is a comparative study of the myths and legends of the monarchs of the Altai languages. This chapter mainly collects the text classification as "the Swan Maiden type myth", "spouse bear type myths and legends", "wolf spouse type myth" has three types, methods for motif plot comparison to study these myths and legends of the similarities and differences of the reasons and rheological law. At last, it is believed that the Mongolia plateau and the northern belt of Altai's ethnic groups have been swans, bears and wolf worship, and totem worship and myths and legends that are related to these animals. The related motif in many myths about these sacred animal "marriage between man and animal" motif and the emperor is related to other founding myth combination or re combination, form new myths and legends. The fourth chapter is the cultural interpretation of the myths and legends of the kings of the Altai languages. From here "photosensitive myth motif", "oviparous myth motif", "human animal marriage myth motif" of the Altai family of nationalities in Imperial myths and legends of the cultural connotation of the analysis and interpretation. The cultural interpretation of some myth motif these ethnic myths and legends of the emperors after summed up, some people in the ancient Altai family lived on the moon and the light and heat of worship phenomenon, and their environment are closely related, the worship of animals and plants and animal species of totem worship, worship and some beliefs extended to various fields of modern society. The foundation of this worship and belief is mostly related to the original thinking of the Altai language family, the original thinking of all things with spirit. This and related to Shamanism worship of animals and plants, animals and plants totem worship and other forms of beliefs and ideas were purified to the related ethnic myth motif in this motif was implanted into the myths, legends, folk tales, epic works of various genres, so that the inheritance up to now. The conclusion part summarizes the whole thesis, refines the main viewpoints, namely: because of the history of the interaction, belong to the same language attribute and similar religious beliefs, legends of imperial myth Altai languages of various nationalities have similar motif; Altai nationality emperor original of the rheological character in common myths and legends in. In the process of establishing the national regime in the evolution and history of political rulers combining view, have been implanted into the monarch's life, not in the nation to establish a regime of mythology inheriting ancestor myth motif down; different types of composite relationship, the prerequisite is: not only conform to the emperors of the myths and legends of the narrative mode at the same time, also must comply with the relevant national and regional history and culture and religion.


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