
发布时间:2017-12-27 03:01

  本文关键词:德国乌尔姆设计学院的基础课程研究 出处:《南京艺术学院》2016年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 乌尔姆设计学院 基础课 包豪斯 设计教育

[Abstract]:The research results have been combing the historical archives and survived, with basic course of Ulm School of design as the research object, according to the Ulm School of design in the specific historical conditions of inheriting from the teaching idea Bauhaus basic course, to form a Ulm design characteristics of college basic course, and then affect the development process of modern design education, exploration modernism design in the context of experimental design of basic education and self localization. During the development and formation of educational thoughts in Ulm Design Institute, Max Bill, Thomas Maldonado and Joseph Albers played an important role in the transformation of college basic courses. The teaching practice of Gazwart Peterhans and Anthony Floshog has formed an important part of the basic curriculum system of the Ulm Institute of design. This article is a study of their personal art and design education practice, which is a research perspective to explore the development track of the basic course of Ulm design college. The Ulm School of design is known as the history of design education in Germany following the Bauhaus school after the "second milepost", in-depth study of the basic course, is a supplement to the existing research in the weak links, to provide a reference case for the China text design education today.


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2 苏晓平;;继承与发展——包豪斯对乌尔姆学校的影响[J];大众文艺(理论);2009年06期

3 张志宏;;包豪斯与乌尔姆教育理念对中国现代设计教育的现实意义[J];美术研究;2008年01期

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1 徐昊;乌尔姆设计学院教育思想研究[D];中央美术学院;2010年

2 韩慧君;论西方现代设计中的人文思想[D];苏州大学;2008年

3 杜惠洁;德国教学设计的理论与实践研究[D];华东师范大学;2006年

4 桂宇晖;契合与发展[D];东南大学;2005年

5 邬烈炎;艺术设计学科的专业基础课程研究[D];南京艺术学院;2001年




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