
发布时间:2017-12-28 02:37

  本文关键词:英语专业研究生学位论文的语篇评价意义研究 出处:《东北师范大学》2016年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 英语专业研究生学位论文 语言使用 语篇评价意义

【摘要】:围绕英语专业研究生学位论文,学界涌现出了诸多针对其语类特征、语篇结构、词汇语法偏误、培养模式与质量标准的研究。同时,由于国际上以英语作为媒介发表学术论文、开展学术交流的情况日益普遍,国外很多学者开始研究英语作为二语/外语的学术写作中的困难及其影响因素。但是,这些研究中,对英语学位论文的词汇语法偏误等语言问题关注较多,却忽视了较深层次的学术语篇评价与立场表达问题。学术语篇评价与立场表达指的是在特定的语境下,作者在学术语篇中表明自我立场的同时也在进行与读者的动态互动,既包括对于某个实体或命题的作者观点阐释和态度表达,又涉及就这个实体或命题的作者与读者的互动。因此,对我国英语专业研究生英语学术语篇评价与立场表达进行研究非常重要,这不仅可以拓展语篇评价意义研究的理论探索,也可以深入了解我国英语专业研究生学术写作的现状,从而提出改进学术英语写作教学实践的建议,提高英语学位论文写作水平。有鉴于此,本研究主要探究我国英语专业研究生学位论文中语篇评价资源分布与使用差异,探究我国英语专业研究生在学位论文写作中,使用二语/外语进行评价立场的建构、态度情感的表达和作者-读者关系的协商时,呈现出的语篇评价意义的规律性特征,揭示二语/外语学术作者在这一方面存在的困难与问题,并提出有针对性的教与学方面的建议。本研究主要回答以下问题:(1)我国英语专业研究生学位论文中语篇评价意义生成的主要词汇手段具有哪些特征?(2)语篇评价意义生成的主要语法手段具有哪些特征?(3)词汇语法共同作用下的语篇评价资源具有哪些特征?针对这些问题,通过对学术语篇评价研究的文献梳理与述评,本研究阐释了系统功能语言学的相关核心思想,进而提出了 "学术语篇评价意义实例化理论模型"以及"语篇发生层面的学位论文语篇评价意义分析框架"。在此基础上,本研究采用语料库研究方法,自建中国英语专业研究生学位论文语料库(CEMTC)和本族语者学位论文语料库(NSTC)。CEMTC语料源自中国知网硕博论文库中来自我国7个不同地区共计50篇外国语言学及应用语言学专业的硕士研究生学位论文;NSTC语料源自Pro-Quest Dissertations and Theses(PQDT)数据库中由北美地区英语本族语学生撰写的共计50篇语言学与TESOL方向的硕士研究生学位论文。本研究语料库总容量为1,675,748形符。采用语料库研究方法,本研究分别考察了学位论文语篇中典型的评价性词汇手段(包括标示名词、投射动词和评价性形容词)、语法手段(包括语气系统中的人称代词系统与情态附加语成分,以及情态系统中的情态动词)和词汇语法共同作用下的评价手段(包括学术立场语块和语法隐喻)。通过分析与讨论以上三个方面、多个范畴的语篇评价资源的使用差异,深入探讨我国英语专业研究生在学位论文写作中的语篇评价意义的规律性特点。通过量化与质化分析,本研究具体发现如下:(1)在使用频数上,我国英语专业研究生对评价性词汇手段使用匮乏,尤其过少使用标示名词和投射动词;评价性形容词的结构模式也趋于简单化和单一化,体现出我国英语专业研究生储备的评价性词汇资源尚存在完备性与多样性上的不足。标示名词的过少使用表明,我国英语专业研究生在浓缩命题信息、打造学术语篇抽象性上遇到困难,对于论辩型和语篇型标示名词的使用偏好和程序型、证据型以及观点型标示名词的使用匮乏也说明,我国英语学位论文语篇常常难以呈现清晰的研究立场,客观性较低、思辨性也有所欠缺。投射动词的具体使用差异表明,开启对话空间的投射动词没有得到我国英语专业研究生应有的重视,但是挤压对话空间的投射动词却被他们过度使用,只关注与持有相同意见的读者建立一致关系,却忽视与持不同立场的读者建立联盟关系,不利于与假定读者共同建构语篇的对话性和主体间性。评价性形容词使用的单一化表明,我国英语专业研究生在二语学位论文语篇中的评价站位(positioning)过于偏向积极性、断言性、强加性,对于客观情态取向、试探性立场及研究者身份的建构明显不足,影响了立场鲜明度。(2)在使用频数上,我国英语专业研究生对评价性语法手段使用过度,过多使用语气系统中的人称代词系统和情态附加语成分,以及情态系统中的情态助动词。从人称代词系统使用来看,我国英语专业研究生在自我指称时较多使用we,但过少使用人称代词I,从而减损了作者的主体凸显度。在身份建构上,他们倾向回避人际风险较大的思想者及知者身份,而青睐人际风险较低的学生身份。就语篇互动性来看,我国英语学位论文语篇中的作者-读者人际距离较远,主体间性较低。我国英语专业研究生过多使用确定性情态附加语,闭合了语篇对话空间,而过少使用表达语篇协商性的情态附加语,如可能性情态附加语,难以介入读者共同建构语篇的对话性。核心情态动词及半情态动词的使用差异也表明,我国英语学位论文语篇不及本族语者学位论文语篇的对话性及主体间性强,立场的表达缺乏试探性与礼貌性,观点表述不够谨慎,也欠缺说服力。(3)我国英语学位论文中词汇语法共同作用下的评价手段使用趋势呈现波动性。就立场语块来说,我国英语专业研究生总体上显著过多使用立场语块,尤其是认知立场语块与评判语块,但少用模糊语语块,致使学术立场表达过于确凿,评价立场倾向于积极性,缺乏必要的协商性立场。同时,语块的共选机制也非常有限,类联接与搭配缺乏多样性,难以体现形式、意义与功能三者之间的优选。就语法隐喻来看,我国英语专业研究生在学位论文中对概念语法隐喻的使用严重不足,导致语篇的信息结构建构低效,缺乏读者友好度,从而降低了论证说服力。综上所述,我国英语专业研究生学术语篇存在客观性、专业性、权威性、互动性与介入性建构不足的现象,主要表现在语篇主观性失衡,研究惯例生疏,身份意识模糊,表述直白武断,对话空间闭合。具体来说,本应该凸显自己的评价站位,我国英语专业研究生却偏好主观性的客观化,弱化主体凸显度;当需要谨慎地表达观点和降低人际风险的时候,他们却强化确定程度,体现高值的人际投入;协商的、开放的对话空间在本族语者学位论文语篇中俯拾皆是,但在我国英语学位论文语篇中却很少见。根据以上主要发现可以得出如下结论,我国英语专业研究生与本族语研究生在学位论文中对评价性资源的使用存在显著差异,体现出二语/外语学术语篇评价意义的规律性特点。因此,我们应该重新审视二语/外语学术写作中评价意义的协商与表达,在学术写作教学中提升语篇评价意识,并进行有针对的教学指导。首先要强化学术写作的规范意识并加强读者意识,其次要树立学生作者的研究信心,再次要融入国际学术惯例,并采取加大目标语篇阅读量、避免强加性与确定性词汇语法资源的过度使用、排除母语负迁移影响等方法,促进我国较高水平英语学习者的二语/外语学术英语写作实践。此外,本研究对我国学术英语写作教学大纲内容修订与学位论文修改这两方面也提出了建议。总而言之,本研究课题在理论上深化了评价机制与评价意义发生的理论考察,拓宽了评价研究的范畴,在研究方法上丰富了基于使用的研究范式下的二语修/外语学术语篇对比研究,在实践上为增进我国较高水平英语学习者二语/外语写作现状的认识和推进学术英语写作教学,尤其是学位论文写作教学的发展提供重要参考。
[Abstract]:Around the graduate degree thesis of English major, there are many researches on its genre features, discourse structure, lexical and grammatical errors, training mode and quality standard. At the same time, because of the growing popularity of English academic publications and academic exchanges in the world, many foreign scholars began to study the difficulties and influential factors of English writing as a two language / foreign language. However, these studies pay much attention to language problems such as lexical errors and grammatical errors in English dissertations, but neglect deep level academic discourse evaluation and position expression. Academic discourse refers to the evaluation and expression of the position in the specific context, the author shows that the self position in academic discourse is also a dynamic interaction with the readers, both for an entity or proposition author interpretation and attitude expression, and relates to the interaction between the writer and the reader of this entity or proposition. The. Therefore, research on Chinese English Majors' English academic discourse evaluation and expression of position is very important, this exploration can not only expand the discourse evaluation theory research, also can better understand the current situation of academic writing on China's English majors, thus put forward the improvement of teaching practice of academic English writing, improve the writing the level of English dissertations. In view of this, this study aims to explore and use of Chinese English majors thesis discourse evaluation resources distribution difference, research Chinese students majoring in English in writing dissertations, the use of two / foreign language to evaluate the position of the construction, emotion expression and author reader relationship negotiation, law discourse the significance of evaluation shows the characteristics, reveal the difficulties and problems exist in the two language / foreign language academic authors, and put forward the teaching and learning of advice. This research mainly answers the following questions: (1) study Chinese students majoring in English major vocabulary means generation thesis discourse the appraisal meaning with what characteristics? (2) grammatical means generated text evaluation significance with what characteristics? (3) evaluation of discourse resources interaction under what are the characteristics of vocabulary and grammar? To solve these problems, through the literature review and commentary on the academic discourse evaluation research, this study explains the core of systemic functional linguistics theory, and then puts forward the academic evaluation of discourse meaning instantiation theory model "and" discourse level occurrence thesis discourse evaluation framework". On this basis, this study adopts corpus research method, and builds the Chinese English postgraduate degree thesis corpus (CEMTC) and native language theses and dissertations corpus (NSTC). CEMTC from Chinese HowNet thesis corpus library from 7 areas in China a total of 50 theses in foreign linguistics and applied linguistics and dissertations; from Pro-Quest Dissertations and Theses NSTC corpus (PQDT) master database by North American native English language students to write a total of 50 linguistic and TESOL direction the master degree thesis. The total volume of this research corpus is 1675748 - shape. Adopting a corpus based approach, this study explores the thesis discourses the typical evaluation vocabulary means (including the marked noun, projecting verbs and evaluative adjectives) and grammatical means (including the mood system in personal pronouns and modal adjuncts and modality modal verbs) and interaction vocabulary and grammar under evaluation methods (including the academic position of language chunks and grammatical metaphor). By analyzing and discussing the above three aspects and the differences of the resources of discourse evaluation in various categories, we further explore the regularity characteristics of English Majors' discourse evaluation significance in dissertations. Through quantitative and qualitative analysis, the specific research findings are as follows: (1) in the use of frequency, our research on English Majors Vocabulary evaluation means lack, especially under use marked nouns and projecting verbs; evaluation of words describe structure mode tends to be simple and single, reflects the research in China English majors reserve evaluation is insufficient completeness of lexical resources and diversity of the. Marked noun under use shows that the research of our country English majors to create difficulties in academic discourse on abstraction in concentrated proposition information, for debate and discourse type preferences and marked noun program type, type and type of evidence view use also shows the lack of marked noun, English language paper in China it is often difficult to present the position clear, objectivity is low, speculation is lacking. That the use of specific differences of projecting verbs, projecting verbs are not open dialogue space research in China English majors due attention, but the projecting verbs are they squeeze dialogue over use, only pay attention to build a consistent relationship with the opinion of readers, but ignore the establishment of alliance relationship with the different standpoint of readers, not to construct and assume the reader dialogue between the text and the subject. The evaluation of single words that describe research in China, students majoring in English language in two degree evaluation in discourse stance (positioning) positive bias, too, imposed assertion of, for the construction of objective orientation, tentative position and research status was insufficient, affect the position of brightness. (2) in the use of frequency, excessive use of evaluation of grammar research in China English majors, excessive use of personal pronouns in mood system and modality adjuncts, modal verbs and modal system. In terms of the use of personal pronoun system, English Majors in our country use we more when they are self referential, but too few use the personal pronoun I, which detracts from the use of the personal pronoun.




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