
发布时间:2017-12-28 05:00

  本文关键词:西班牙艺术史家拉富恩特研究 出处:《南京大学》2016年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 拉富恩特·费拉里 西班牙艺术史 委拉斯开兹 艺术的去人性化 生命的悲剧意识

[Abstract]:Enrique Lafuente Ferrari was one of the most important historians of art in Spain in the twentieth Century. The Spanish art history established relatively late, as the subject of the second generation of the Spanish people, responsible for the rectification of names for the Lafuente art history of Spain's mission, discover its unique aesthetic tradition and general characteristics in the Spanish National Art narrative. He takes "chaos and life" incoherent to seemingly disordered fracture through Spanish art history, further explanation of the concept of "rough lines", the Spanish nation's unique aesthetic taste are analyzed, and combined with the history of Spanish art pointed out that the medieval tradition, thus revealing the Spanish art. While emphasizing the particularity of Spanish art, he also pointed out that Spanish art history is a part of European art history. The interpretation of Spanish art is inseparable from the European background. It also points out that Spain should strengthen its artistic exchanges with European neighbors. The writing of art history and art history of his place in the Spanish Civil War after the dictatorship of Franco, had to find a balance between the edge and the mainstream ideology critique grasp, but overall, Lafuente art history and criticism and narrative theory is a certain distance with the official discourse. At the same time, Lafuente's historical theory of art is at the height of criticizing the positivism, the vulgar sociology and the formalism of the art of art. He insists that the interpretation of the works of art can not be separated from the interpretation of the people behind the work. He pointed out that outstanding artists are leading the change of art history, and the core of the change of art history is constantly changing artists. In the special research of Velazquez, Goya and Suluoyajia the three great Spanish artist, is the embodiment of his Lafuente art history view. In the study of Velazquez, Lafuente describes the painter's life, emphasizing Velazquez dedicated to depicting everyday life, give every person painting with dignity, and use the "philosophical point of view to explain the Life is but a dream. Velazquez aesthetics". In the study of Goya, focusing on the personality of the artist Lafuente, Goya will be placed at the revolution in the background of modernity reveals the Spanish artist. In the study of Suluoyajia in unearthed Lafuente in the works of Spanish national personality, and affirmed the artist of human dignity and care. From the choice of the research object of the artist, it can be seen that the tendencies are conservative, especially in the face of modern art. The art history Lafuente not only uphold the manners of his art history, is inherited from Ortega and Oon Mu Nor of the two Spanish important philosophers. In the new historical context, he made a new interpretation of Ortega's "dehumanization of art" theory, and criticized the modern art of alienation, and put forward the return of human nature in art. Combined with Oon Mu Nor's thought of "personal salvation", he put forward the concept of "aesthetics of personal salvation" and "aesthetics of circumstance salvation", which deepened the argument that art and individual life can't be separated from the interpretation of portrait. Not only is the classical painting in modern painting, he also found the expression of life, to find out the difference between Miro and pure abstractionism, established a different from the "a meaningful form", artistic interpretation in life on the basis of paradigm. The Lafuente art history has always been based on care for the humanity, care of life, the humanistic research today will not lose its significance, not only reflects the Spanish culture thought characteristic, also reflects the situation in a Spanish era between the humanities researchers who caused the.




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