
发布时间:2017-12-28 14:28

  本文关键词:论柏拉图思想的表达 出处:《上海师范大学》2016年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 苏格拉底 柏拉图 写作 对话 中介

[Abstract]:The general form of philosophical thinking is the process of thinking, theory, principle and view. Platon and most philosophers are different from others. They write philosophies and philosophers through dialogue, and do not clearly show their views in the process. This is the characteristic of Platon's thought. In the philosophical works of description and argumentation, it seems that the expression of philosophy does not seem to be a problem. But the special form of Platon's philosophy makes the expression of philosophy the subject of research. Only by analyzing Platon's way of thinking and expressing this way of thinking in writing way, can we better understand Platon's philosophy by studying how to express herself in philosophy. Besides Platon's works and rumors about school teaching, the most important thing of Platon's philosophy is the way to express his thoughts by writing the dialogue as the leading role of Socrates. Platon has achieved several effects by writing this action: first, his writing has set up a chain of philosophy between Socrates and his readers. Platon's writing has preserved Socrates' philosophical activities. Socrates is a unique philosopher. His philosophy is his life. He can't attribute his philosophical activities to written theories and viewpoints, nor imitate his life. Platon's writing records Socrates' philosophical activities. Of course, the process of recording Socrates, as well as the elements of addition and deletion in this process, can not be discussed in philosophy. The key is that Platon completed the transformation of Socratic philosophical activities when he recorded the philosophical activities of Socrates. This transformation can be understood from two aspects. First, philosophical research has changed from Socrates's action to written writing. The two is Platon's silence on Socrates's philosophical activities, so it's hard to decide whether these written dialogues are Platon's thoughts or Socrates's thoughts. Secondly, Platon's writing has established the absolute advantage in philosophy, in the dialogue of the philosopher Socrates squeezed out other writers such as Socrates, Xenophon, Aristotle, et al. Diogenes. Only by Platon's written writing can the readers study Socrates's philosophy, and other writers' discourse can only be a supplement to Platon's dialogue. In the end, Platon's writing was originally an intermediary act to convey thoughts, but it became a philosophical center which could neither be reduced to philosophical theory nor imitated. It became the way of expression of Platon thought. Platon's writing obscured Platon's archetype while blocking the prototype of Socrates. His history, writing motivation and writing methods couldn't be verified. But dialogue is the unwavering center. By writing a written dialogue, Platon presents Socrates' philosophical activities to the readers and presents his thoughts through dialogue. The challenge for readers is that, in addition to what is written by writing, there are other ways of expressing philosophy. Socrates and Diogenes in writing of behavior to the expression of philosophy, Platon has adopted the way of writing thought and expression. We should pay attention to the mind itself.


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