
发布时间:2017-12-28 13:39

  本文关键词:白云禅系研究 出处:《中央民族大学》2017年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 太白顶 白云禅系 桐柏山佛教

[Abstract]:Buddhism spread from India since the Han Emperor Ming, and all kinds of culture shock adjustment, after two thousand years, and the traditional cultural collision China inherent fusion until take root, as Chinese Buddhism has China characteristics. Taibai mountain peak Tongbai top ranked between Suizhou and Tongbai, across Hubei and Henan two provinces, as the ancient hermit monk to practice meditation. In the early Zhou Dynasty "Yugong Shangshu" in the national famous mountain said: "the road, Tongbai, Xiong'er foreign as negative (with tail tail)" has been listed as one of the famous Tongbai Mountain National Road book, "yun ji seven" sign to Tongbai mountain as a fairy in the seventy-two place of forty-fourth fu. The introduction of Buddhism in Tongbai mountain began in the Tang Dynasty, the Qing Dynasty Qianlong forty-nine years, Sichuan Prefecture Dechang Ningyuan Zong Lin Temple Mountain monk Tongbai Shan mountains end up making his name, by the end of German origin, name, number of each faction heir played 32 words. A pie: quiet, very often end round financing, direct printing, wonderful sea view, the empty heart shines, Xianzu wind, true wisdom Rigpa and Dafa Ming Zon; number send: Hua Hui, Hao, as of Defapu Haiyun, wonderful Road, pure heart, Jie Jiao, containing hogetsu langin Lingshan a glorious, ancient and modern. And told his top building in Taibai Temple Ming pan, was built in the true disciple circle peach blossom cave temple. Since then, the rapid development in the end de factions of Tongbai mountain, and become the only according to the potential for the development of Taibai top as the main body of the white Yunchan. Tongbai mountain deep in the hinterland of the Central Plains, and in the birth of Buddhism in the process of China presses, has played an important role. In the transformation era, the early monk Yunchan white lines, to the ordinary people, some of the monks to the mountains, farming Zen simultaneously, Baizhang inherited the family tradition, unconsciously also continued the development of Chinese type mountain buddhism. The white Yunchan Department although originated in the closed geographical position of Tongbai mountainous area, but has always maintained an open vision, the pursuit of Buddhism attaches great importance to education and research of Buddhist academic, this phenomenon is especially obvious in the modern Yunchan Department of monks in white. In the relation of monks and letters, the flourishing of Buddhism in any area of any time has maintained a proper interaction with the local believers and the masses. On the one hand, a good quality of the people to bring more people to contact with Buddhism, Buddhism, Buddhist built environment contrast and the masses of faith, but also highlight the influence of buddhism. The white Yunchan system is a relatively obvious regional characteristics of sects, monks and believers are more from the area around the Tongbai mountain, discipline strictly and ascetic monks, and establish their own model of the image for believers, especially in Tongbai mountain area is rich in herbal medicine in monk's team, many understand medicine Jackson, their own drugs, herbs, pharmaceuticals, free of charge to the local people to provide medical assistance, their superb skill and compassion, get a lot of people praise, the white Yunchan mass based preaching career, showing its prolonged power and infinite vitality. In the interaction of blood and pulse method, in Buddhism was founded at the beginning, the Buddha families affected by the Buddha monk or converted many examples. In the history of development of white Yunchan system, one family a case. But at the present age, blood and pulse interaction, the common practice of the path to liberation inherited the fine tradition of family Buddha alive, this shows that Tongbai mountain rich Buddhist faith atmosphere, Buddhism is rich in resources, is a great influence on the surrounding and surface radiation. A monk, practicing the Bodhisattva, with the goal of seeking success, one of the goals of the Bodhisattva is the most important degree of sentient beings, and his family is a part of the numerous living beings, the range of the blood, and the family. In architecture, Zen Yunchan inside white lines, they claim to be "Enigma Zen", on one hand, the practice of Zen internal attention to abandon words, on the other hand, also reflects the lofty conception of Zen and its do not say, the different sects in search of in the method of showing a different form. The white line is a Yunchan Zuting, entity, the law and sons have ordained from the relations of sectarian. The pulse method is with the life of the tonsure monk Buddhist karma, karma, karma, and even the future practice is the achievement of the karma has very important relationship, because the tonsure and the original faith together in Chinese Buddhism in this small branch of Zen, white Yunchan has somerepresentation. The white lines are Yunchan ancient founder without wisdom and strong ability to keep pace with the times, highlighting the vitality of Buddhism, to strive to self repair, you hidden in unusual times, and in the society in Suishun karma era and the ill fated comeback, nexus, modern Buddhism did not break, highlights the power of meditation. This paper from theory to practice, from agricultural and simultaneously to the cultural consciousness, overall show the tortuous development of white Yunchan department for more than two hundred years, which is probably the modern Chinese Buddhism amidst the winds of change is a microcosm of the ups and downs. White Yunchan system development for more than two hundred and thirty years China is reborn for more than 200 years, the development of the white Yunchan reaction special historical period of Buddhism concept transformation, to develop harmonious wisdom, embodies the modern Chinese spirit, but also the Chinese nation does not pull the portrayal of perseverance.


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