
发布时间:2018-01-04 08:35

  本文关键词:“和声”之“雄浑”-百年中国合唱与美颂关系的文化、美学解读 出处:《暨南大学》2014年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 中国合唱 美颂精神 中国传统文化 和声 雄浑

[Abstract]:In Chinese, modern chorus began in the early twentieth Century, has only a history of nearly 100 years. But for hundreds of years, standing in the West has been quite mature literary techniques, basic and profound cultural tradition and the source Chinese far, Chinese chorus of folk music from inexhaustible treasure absorb nutrients, grow rapidly, western harmony techniques and China culture in a furnace, out of a characteristic development road China chorus. In this paper, the content of the "beauty Chinese chorus song" character as a logical clue, is divided into two parts, respectively from the two aspects of culture and Poetics of Chinese chorus cut, hundred years the macro overall interpretation. With the China hundred years of political upheaval, the chorus from generation to mature experience with the political stalemate to alienation, however, because of the chorus "group singing voice properties, and the time synchronization contact with the mainstream consciousness, bearing Carrying the traditional "beautiful song" spirit, just praise theme from single to multiple expansion. In the nearly hundred years of choral works (mainly to large and medium-sized) after the period of carding and relationship between the spirit of song, reveals the inner link Chinese chorus Meisong traits and China tradition "and" the culture and the "music education" concept, will be summed up as "emotion and chorus, heart and in different historical periods of social function, and. China chorus is a combination of the chorus of this art form and China social reality, is the performance of real life Chinese, as is the national spirit and thought emotion, creation subject and aesthetic subject and China culture closely. Even in the construction of the voice from the western techniques, but the music material is China, national, traditional aesthetic thinking will be implicit or explicit penetration in music The principle of organization. Therefore, in the last part of the paper to China culture very "vigorous" category as the unifying aesthetic features to interpret the Chinese 100 years: multi voice chorus chorus chorus and the China attribute carries the spirit of song with magnanimous, determines its vigorous, "big" and "force" is the aesthetic form of it. The chorus China cultural context has great aesthetic connotation, the force is move among force and soft "and" thinking in the collective consciousness of aesthetic psychological accumulation. So the aesthetic features of China chorus is only "vigorous", not western "lofty" the aesthetic essence with the China the history of "and", "words and meaning", and to explore the relationship between "life spirit", embodied in the "relationship" with God, "subjectivity" and "artistic image gas into three aspects of chorus of life ontology".



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