
发布时间:2018-01-04 19:03

  本文关键词:中国现代音乐教育主题演进研究 出处:《山东大学》2017年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 中国现代音乐教育 主题 民族 国家 个体

[Abstract]:Chinese modern music education, and the Chinese Confucian tradition of "music education" spirit of re understanding, and from the objective reasons more directly that is and the modern history of national disaster and the change, for prosperity, is seeking reform consciousness. It is out of political reform, need to be improved the social reality of ancient Confucianism emphasizes the social function of the concept of music outside to enter people's vision, "music education" spirit in the new era to highlight and obtain new cultural connotation. At the same time, the implementation of the education reform in the late Qing Dynasty, especially the promulgation and implementation of "guimao educational system", also the policy provides strong support for the occurrence of Chinese modern music education. The modern society Chinese modern music education in disaster-ridden, thus the independence and development of nation has become the China modern music education The first time facing. Under this premise, China modern music education and the formation of several stages: the first is the concept of the theme of "new people", through the music education reform national character, the music education into the scope of enlightenment, this is manifested in order to promote music education on the "Warrior" spirit. Then the performance through music education to improve the moral quality of people, among which the "school songs" as the main carrier of education. In the "54" before and after twentieth Century and 20s and 30s, with the conversion of the spirit of the times, to direct the political utilitarian oriented "theme has been more profound and more cultural transformation the connotation of" human nature "theme replaced the feelings of the people to improve the aesthetic edification, become the dominant concept of music education, music aesthetic education has become the mainstream of music education, music education in this new concept of distinctive theme Reflected in the music education system and its practice at that time, in order to cultivate the "perfect personality" as the core concept of education permeated with < - > Renzi Guichou system of education as the representative of the music education policy, at the same time to "Shanghai normal college school" as a representative of the ordinary music education and professional music education in Shanghai "national music academy" as the representative of the aesthetic education in under the banner of "people" own construction. In the period of Anti Japanese War, the original "Enlightenment", "new people", "people" and the speech of the times have retreated to the edge of time, that is located in the "salvation" of the new era theme, encouraging people through music education. And to put it in the struggle against the enemy, for the salvation of the national task, become the mainstream concept of music education, social music education is the basic form of music to mass become the subject of music education, music education has become a chorus of "salvation" function One of the most effective means. But at the same time, in addition to the mainstream of social music education, music aesthetic education mode still exists to the independence of music education, they are in their own way in strengthening the education of music aesthetic characteristics under the premise of the interpretation of music education in the "salvation" theme. After the new China was established, from the late Qing Dynasty the establishment of the national independence, national development, most of the mission can be realized, thus the "national music education" theme gradually retreated to a secondary position, the requirements of the times is replaced by new power of the ruling party needs to strengthen and consolidate the revolutionary achievements from various aspects, but also need from all levels of construction of new socialist country therefore, the concept of "country" music education has become the theme of this period, around the theme of music education, launched a class of the national construction. In promoting the general requirements of the national construction, social music education during this period continue to develop, the chorus is still the dominant forms of music education and music education, but different in the period of Anti Japanese War, the social music education in this period with many factors of class, strengthen the class attribute of music in the premise of maintaining the red political power under all kinds of non critical and revolutionary music form, has become the leading social music education. In addition, the school music education in this period also take aesthetic education as a core content of music education to advocate, but the difference with the past, the music aesthetic education in this period is based on the class nature, with a clear class consciousness and class attribute of the "new socialism" the cultivation of music aesthetic education is the main target. After the very left thoughts After impact, the aesthetic education was re established for the education policy, the music education in the "people" elements in a long period of silence once again highlighted, "all-round development" has been in full swing in the new period, and shows the characteristics of the new era, people's individuality characteristic, the personalized needs of the individual the interest gradually achieve a dominant position in music education. Under this basic theme concept, the music education in the new period of the curriculum standard, education system, teaching methods improved gradually, has become a rare China system of modern music education development in the process of the era. After entering the new century, with the introduction of North America the concept of music education, music aesthetic education with "all-round development" as the core of the question, some scholars of the "core of music education is the idea of aesthetic education development criticism, but the criticism settled The point is not Chinese the current music education practice, but the simple transplantation on North American music education debate, effectiveness and pertinence of the need to carefully reflect and critique. It can be said that the China modern music education is a national one along the clue of opening its own theme, evolution, and regularity the elements displayed in this process can not only expand the space for development of music education, but also can provide a strong theoretical reference for the construction of contemporary music education.



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