
发布时间:2018-01-05 11:28

  本文关键词:高清海“类哲学”语境下的中国哲学“民族自我”思想探究 出处:《吉林大学》2017年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 高清海 类哲学 中国个人主体 类本性 民族自我

[Abstract]:Mr. Gao Qinghai is a famous contemporary Chinese philosopher and educator. He engaged in philosophy of strategic vision, on the side and not abandon the profound grasp, independent thinking, persevere, make creative achievements. Exploration of the people and the world and the relationship between the HD sea teacher, thinking all to the nature of their own, so his philosophical position from "ontological view" by "epistemological reflection" to "practical view way of thinking", then to "philosophy", is from the abstract to the concrete development of the concentric circle. From the beginning of 1980s, with his free independent personality, profound insight and great courage in theory to change the traditional philosophy, strong concept of long-term bound people's minds, "dialectics is the epistemology" program opened a prelude to the reform of textbook, change the view of Philosophy With the view of the world, the basic concept of the traditional philosophy textbook series from simple intuitive level into the reflection level, the complete understanding of Chinese philosophy on steering, leading to international influence of Marx philosophy based on < > 2. Epistemological reflection position means that has begun to consciously from the human and the world, the relationship between thinking and there is, from the person's own nature to think about the problem. In the textbook reform and philosophical ideas, find the essence of Marx's philosophy of Sea HD revolution is "practical view way of thinking", to look at the man and the world and all the relationship from the people and the world of negative unity "and" view of practice "and beyond the abstract opposition" view "and" consciousness view "to the world outlook, epistemology, dialectics and historical view of real ascension to Marx philosophy level. But the "view of practice" is an abstract activity, only the reality of history, will be on the person's own nature to more in-depth grasp. In 90s, the teacher from the Gao philosophy and his philosophy exploration, found that "people are the wonders of philosophy", "philosophy as the theoretical form of human self consciousness the expression is only a man of their own point of view, this constitutes a Gao philosophy. To the teacher this philosophy explores the shaping of the individual market economy theory, characterize the transformation of the way of human existence and its self consciousness. Through the critical reflection of the market economy, according to the comprehensive liberation purport the development of the essence of Marx's philosophy thought and the freedom of personality, and the human history of the three forms of insight into the nature of philosophy, fusion of heaven China one thought, creative This kind of philosophy system, characterized by "construction socialism with Chinese" spirit of the times. From the "epistemological reflection" and "view of practice" to "philosophy", thinking of the teacher Gao the unity of the world and the nature of their own, not only more consciously, but also more in-depth. Facing the dilemma of modernity, thinking to realize their own nature of HD sea teacher into the concrete theory of human nature and human spirit, study and explore the traditional Chinese philosophy and its contemporary value, trying to absorb the wisdom from China thought tradition, is committed to the creation of the Chinese nation, the thoughts of self "provide the need for future development of the Chinese nation's own philosophical theory, and in the space of new ideas to explore a more life style and cultural gene profound, as to provide a new choice of human The road, open the new space for the development of human civilization. The thesis consists of three chapters: the first chapter explores on the development of China HD sea teacher individual thought. Through the discussion of market economy to China individual formation and global integration of the Chinese nation to create individual, to explain the development process of China individual subject. Gao teacher thought, promote the formation of universal personal independence is the development of the market economy is the most essential meaning. The market economy from the "human dependence" and "cluster subject" into "the dependence on material as the foundation of human independence" of the individual subject, the formation of the world history the general social contact, many aspects of the demand and the ability of the comprehensive system, the exchange of equal value abstract identity establishes people's independence, freedom, equality and formal framework. This is further beyond the socialist market The economic "material dependence", realize the real independence and freedom of personality, is one's own essence abstracted from individual subjectivity to the development of specific deep class subject to condition. The second chapter explores the definition of sea teacher "philosophy" in the context of Chinese philosophy of "national self" "philosophy" is a specific reason tries to transcend the western concept of metaphysics, "class" as the concrete universal, melting from him, I, and in one, "subject" beyond the abstraction and form of individual subject, exist in the realization of the whole personality in human life the universal. "Relationship" as man and man, man and nature, man and the nature of their own internal unity relations, "class nature" as the unity of man and nature was completed, and completed the unity of nature, the people and their own Accomplish the unity of nature, constitute the philosophy of "class" teacher Gao master. "Existence" in the relationship between man and nature, is the incarnation of the universe as a life personality, the universe is living "of the existence of" harmony between man and nature of the class activities; in the relationship between people and people, realize the unity of free men, each person's free individuality and freedom of all people is personality mutually inclusive, to complete the unification of individual and society; the relationship between man and self, the pursuit of the all-round development of the implementation of the free personality and its quality. The achievement of personality and wisdom, to complete the whole individual life. Gao philosophy of "class" in trying to rebuild absolute level, overcome the existence and value of the division, to achieve substantive freedom and the nature of the unity, the establishment of this world of truth. "Philosophy" as absorption Chinese culture modern abstract system to overcome, the contemporary discourse Chinese culture ideological wisdom into Marx's philosophy, which constitute the philosophical foundation of building China socialism, and achievements of the future of mankind to contemporary philosophy. The third chapter Chinese explores the intrinsic unity of contemporary philosophy and Marx Chinese originality Marxist philosophy. The great practice of building socialism with Chinese is the biggest reality of contemporary Chinese, Marx philosophy in the history of China, the intersection of theory and reality, constitute the possibility of contemporary China and human thought, unity of reality and necessity. The philosophy of "class teacher Gao Qinghai" from this a view of "class nature" to understand the future development of human and society, human nature can not only provide a deep foundation of communism, and And can provide ways and methods of concrete reality in order to realize the great ideal. It can be said that the deep reform of contemporary China and stimulate the change brought about by the way of life philosophy to life. In this sense, the creation of "contemporary Chinese philosophy", essence is to create the Chinese nation "thoughts of self". The teacher's "Sea HD philosophy" as a representation of "building socialism China" spirit of the times the typical philosophy of Marx philosophy, contributed China wisdom to build a human community of destiny.



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