
发布时间:2018-01-05 12:37

  本文关键词:汉民族的起源与形成—体质人类学的新视角 出处:《吉林大学》2016年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 体质人类学 汉民族 起源 形成

[Abstract]:The origin and formation of the Han nationality has been studied for nearly a hundred years. In the past, scholars discussed the formation of the Han nationality from the perspective of history and ethnology, and from the perspective of cultural attributes. The predecessor of the Han nationality was traced back to the Chinese people, but for the earlier history, due to the limitations of the material, there is a lot of force. This article intends to proceed from the perspective of physical anthropology, in the existing physical anthropology, archaeology. On the basis of molecular biology and other materials, this paper explores the origin and formation process of the Han nationality by using the methods and theories of ancient species. The full text is divided into six chapters. Chapter 1. Introduction. First combing the origin of the Chinese word "nation" and the changes of its connotation, reviewed the history of the formation of Han nationality, elaborated the purpose and research methods of this paper. Chapter 2. The study on the constitution characteristics of the modern Han nationality is the basis of discussing the origin and formation of the Han nationality. This chapter mainly aims to solve two problems: first, how about the constitution characteristics of the modern Han nationality. Whether it has identity or not; Second, in the late Ming and Qing dynasties, the Han nationality in the physical characteristics, and whether the modern Han nationality has the same. Chapter 3. This chapter is mainly based on the data of human bone from the late Paleolithic period to the late Neolithic period, and under the framework of the ancient species type in the pre-Qin period. Through the comparative analysis of the constitution characteristics of the modern Han nationality residents, find out the starting point and source of the formation of the modern Han nationality constitution characteristics. Chapter 4. The origin of the modern Han nationality can be traced back to the Neolithic Age, but there is still a long way between the Neolithic Age residents and the modern Han nationality in the physical characteristics. Bronze-early iron age residents and modern Han people began to have a direct relationship. This chapter mainly through the Bronze-early Iron Age residents' physical characteristics changes and the migration of people, interaction. Chapter 5, the changes of the physical characteristics of the residents in the Qin Han and Song and Yuan dynasties. This chapter mainly analyzes the evolution of the physical characteristics of the residents and the movement of the population in the Qin Han and Song and Yuan dynasties. The frequent migration of large-scale population is an important condition for the formation of modern Han nationality. "Han nationality" as a national appellation appeared after the establishment of the Han Dynasty, but the physical characteristics of the modern Han nationality did not come into being immediately until the Song Dynasty. The constitution characteristics of modern northern Han nationality are basically formed. Chapter 6, conclusion, summarizes and summarizes the content of the full text.




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