
发布时间:2018-01-07 13:33

  本文关键词:认知视角下《人民日报》社论(1966-1971)的批评语篇分析 出处:《北京外国语大学》2014年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 文化大革命 《人民日报》社论 批评语篇分析 认知语言学 语篇世界

【摘要】:本文以文革前期(1966-1971)的《人民日报》社论为研究对象,以批评语篇分析(Critical Discourse Analysis, CDA)为基本理论框架,同时借鉴认知语言学的语篇世界理论、概念隐喻理论和识解活动理论,考察社论在词汇、句法和篇章层面的语言特征及其认知功效,阐释社论如何引导读者建构既定的语篇世界,进而控制读者对现实世界的认识。 通过对1966-1971年间122篇《人民日报》社论的定性和定量分析,本研究有以下发现:在词汇层面,文革社论中的高频实词限定了语篇世界中“无产阶级”和“资产阶级”两大元范畴的构成、性状和相互关系,将语篇世界虚构为两个对立阵营相互斗争的巨大战场,以强化读者的阶级斗争意识。在句法层面,社论一方面通过祈使句的密集使用来建构态度性亚世界,并以之作为语篇世界发展的方向,迫使读者按照既定的规则和方式进行政治实践;另一方面又通过大量的引述句来建构认识性亚世界,用于限定和管束语篇世界的构成,迫使读者的视角和领袖的视角保持绝对一致,造就“以领袖为中心”的思维定式。在语篇层面,社论通过“开篇—中段—结论”的结构,传递“虽然形势大好,但是社会危机仍存,因此必须继续革命”的基本逻辑,赋予了语篇世界“发展与危机并存”的矛盾特性,向读者灌输阶级斗争的合理性和必要性。最后,词汇、句法和篇章三个层面中大量出现的事件结构空间隐喻将空间结构关系投射到语篇世界,限定语篇世界中各个概念的性质及其相互关系。这样一个通过反复强化建立起来的语篇世界及其认知结构驱使读者以二元对立的方式划分现实世界,同时强化了读者的恐惧焦虑心理和权威意识,释放了破坏攻击欲望,最终导致整个社会的失序。 通过对文革前期《人民日报》社论的分析,本研究希望解释文革语篇与文革思维和政治霸权之间的关系,揭示极端政治语篇对人们思想行为的控制和对畸形社会现实的建构作用,反思文革对个人和社会的冲击,倡导用理性和人性的语篇客观反映外部世界,塑造公正和谐的社会秩序。
[Abstract]:This paper takes the "People's Daily" editorial in the early period of the Cultural Revolution (1966-1971) as the research object and criticizes the critical Discourse Analysis. CDA) is used as the basic theoretical framework, and at the same time, the textual world theory, conceptual metaphor theory and construal activity theory of cognitive linguistics are used to investigate the lexical features of editorials. The linguistic features at the syntactic and textual levels and their cognitive efficacy are explained to explain how editorials guide readers to construct a given discourse world and thus control the readers' understanding of the real world. Based on the qualitative and quantitative analysis of 122 "People's Daily" editorials during 1966-1971, the present study has found the following findings: at the lexical level. The high-frequency notional words in the editorials of the Cultural Revolution define the composition, character and interrelationship of the two meta categories of "proletariat" and "bourgeoisie" in the discourse world. In order to strengthen the readers' consciousness of class struggle, the discourse world is made up of two opposing camps. At the syntactic level, editorials construct the attitude subworld through the intensive use of imperative sentences on the one hand. Taking it as the direction of the development of the discourse world, the readers are forced to carry out political practice according to the established rules and methods. On the other hand, a large number of quotation sentences are used to construct the cognitive sub-world, which is used to limit and regulate the composition of the discourse world, forcing the reader's perspective and the leader's perspective to remain absolutely consistent. At the discourse level, the editorial adopts the structure of "opening-middle-conclusion" to convey "although the situation is good, the social crisis still exists." Therefore, we must continue the basic logic of revolution, endow the text with the contradictory characteristic of "development and crisis coexist", and instill the rationality and necessity of class struggle to readers. Finally, vocabulary. The spatial metaphors of event structures, which occur in the syntactic and textual levels, project spatial structural relationships into the discourse world. Defining the nature and interrelationship of the concepts in the discourse world, this text world and its cognitive structure, which are established through repeated reinforcement, drive the reader to divide the real world in a dualistic way. At the same time, it strengthens the reader's fear, anxiety and authority consciousness, releases the desire to destroy and attack, and finally leads to the disorder of the whole society. Through the analysis of the "People's Daily" editorials in the early period of the Cultural Revolution, this study hopes to explain the relationship between the discourse of the Cultural Revolution and the thinking and political hegemony of the Cultural Revolution. It reveals the control of extreme political discourse on people's thought and behavior and the construction of abnormal social reality, reflects on the impact of the Cultural Revolution on the individual and society, and advocates the objective reflection of the external world by the discourse of reason and humanity. Create a just and harmonious social order.


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