
发布时间:2018-01-07 15:37

  本文关键词:文化构成设计方法学研究及应用 出处:《浙江大学》2016年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 文化构成设计 KANO模型 层次分析法 文化意象 文化认知 文化符号 动作识别

[Abstract]:In modern society, the fierce competition in the market, the user in addition to the physical function of the product, pay more attention to the spirit of the pursuit, cultural experience has become one of the most important factors in the success of a product. As individuals, we need to identify culture and identity in the world, countries also hope to expand the influence of Chinese culture, which covers the values output and display artifacts. In recent years, packaging, construction, furniture, posters, signs, have "clothing and products in various design fields Chinese wind" phenomenon, but the "design China wind" is often controversial. Many designers and scholars think that the emphasis on the design of the localization is a national inferiority complex or is reflected in the design of the double pride, especially against the cultural symbols in the product to express Chinese sticky culture. Coflicting ideas let me start thinking: what are the conditions for the design Integration of cultural elements? What kind of design is an excellent cultural composition design, it can not only convey the essence and connotation of Chinese culture, and can be perceived by the audience; with modern aesthetic appeal, but also to meet the requirements of design conception? This paper collected culture constitute the experiment sample design, carry out the cognitive experiment of cultural images. By using the analytic hierarchy process, customer satisfaction research of cultural images of continuous fuzzy KANO model, summarizes the culture image cognition rule design. From the perspective of cultural symbols, design demands and cultural symbols is the matching rules for the establishment of culture symbol design of the database retrieval system. The Silk Road "echo" for public interaction application of case experience device, verify the system and culture cultural symbols constitute the design method of database retrieval. The main innovations of this paper include: (1) based on The visual symbol level, behavior level and the spirit of the ideological level of the three dimensions, using the analytic hierarchy process to the cultural image of figurative cognition, using KANO model to abstract cognitive culture constitutes the cultural image satisfaction in the design, through the combination of quantitative analysis and qualitative research methods, the study of the relationship between the elements of traditional culture under different dimensions with the product satisfaction, quality attributes of traditional cultural images to enhance the product satisfaction degree. Summed up the principle and rule of the cultural image cognition: the influence of traditional culture elements in different dimensions of product quality satisfaction is different. The design of cultural awareness is high, its design features mostly in the design elements of visual symbol layer. But a simple superposition of cultural symbols, can not effectively promote the image and cultural connotation of product promotion. Behavior level and spiritual thinking The elements of traditional culture quality level of the product can promote cultural satisfaction, and dominate the consumer choice of cultural products and services. (2) the cultural symbol is cultural composition design starting point, summarizes the properties of cultural symbols, design demands and cultural symbol attribute matching rules: the design level is the main factor of visual appearance, color, material, texture, pattern, mostly through visual perception, cognitive effect is obvious, mainly through the form of isomorphism principle, design elements; the behavior level is mainly operation, connection design of different parts, mostly through action, tactile and visual perception, cognitive effect is weaker than the outer layer, mainly through action and similar the principle of matching logic; design elements of spiritual culture classics, ideas, mostly through spiritual resonance perception, some design of the outer factors Will assist the inner cultural awareness, mainly through cognitive resonance and the connotation of the principle of consistent match. (3) developed the "culture oriented form design of cultural symbol database system", collected covering food, animals and plants, costumes, musical, architecture, festivals, life utensils, cultural symbols of religious philosophy and other categories of 100 concise; eighteen words reflect the traditional culture connotation, on the basis of the designer work flow, system construction, designers recommend screening, matching and cultural symbols, for cultural composition design.



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