
发布时间:2018-01-07 18:16

  本文关键词:从拉魂腔到拉魂腔系:地方声腔的谱系化格局研究 出处:《福建师范大学》2016年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 拉魂腔 拉魂腔系 地方声腔 谱系化

[Abstract]:In this paper, we take every kind of drama of the soul system as the research object, and reveal the evolution process from "cavity" to "cavity system" and the reasons for its emergence. The first chapter mainly discusses the ecological pattern from "cavity" to "cavity system", and thinks that the soul cavity is transformed from quyi form to opera form. From a single type of vocal cavity to a vocal system containing multiple branches of drama, its narrative mode has changed and shifted. Each branch of drama retains the common sound characteristics of the soul cavity, and its internal maintenance force is the artistic pursuit of "the sound changes the emotion, the emotion goes with the cavity", and solidifies as the common characteristic of the pull soul cavity. At the same time. Each branch also absorbs the local music elements to form their own singing characteristics and promote the original common characteristics of the soul to change in varying degrees. In order to form the common and individual coexistence of cavity ecology. The second chapter mainly studies the characteristics of the Liusi cavity branch cavity shape, it not only inherits the core characteristics of the soul cavity, but also carries on the innovation and development. In the aspects of singing tone, vocal structure and so on, more local folk music has been absorbed, which has experienced the development process of "external shock-internal transformation-comprehensive creation", thus forming "all-inclusive". The extroverted reconstruction of works of art enriches the vocal cavity system of the soul. The third chapter mainly studies the characteristics of the Huai Hai cavity branch, the most outstanding art style is that the main cavity has gone through "two changes and one turn". It is based on pulling the soul, absorbing local Taiping song, Orion, slang, Beijing opera, Hui opera, Huaihai gongs and drums, children's play and other kinds of music. And has carried on the plate type development change to the basic cavity, has developed the sound cavity system which the qu card body and the board type change body unifies, is to pull the soul cavity the sound cavity further development. 4th chapter mainly studies the elbow drum sub-cavity branch each kind of drama. It is believed that all kinds of plays are based on the early elbows and drum dramas and draw on the elements of northern music. These vocals have not only the core characteristics of the soul, but also many operas, rap and folk song minor. Under the strong influence of Qilu culture, the composition of the tone system is more abundant, and the tonality is more diverse. Singing structure also presents a diversified situation. Chapter 5th focuses on exploring the formation mechanism of the pedigree pattern of the soul pedigree, and believes that the way of life. Dialect intonation and local folk music have an important influence on the vocal cavity of every branch of the soul system. At the same time, the culture of dispelling evil spirits plays a positive role in the origin and growth of the soul. Religious belief has a direct effect on the value orientation of the opera. The evolution of the soul family and its genealogical distribution are also directly related to the entertainer's performing style.


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