
发布时间:2018-01-15 12:20

  本文关键词:英语独立型形式标记的隐性纯理功能研究 出处:《西南大学》2016年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 系统功能语言学 独立型形式标记 隐性纯理功能 经验构建预制潜势 等级知识构建潜势

[Abstract]:Independent type refers to the formal markers of Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) based on the framework of determining ownership "word" this rank, and can independently of the language component function segmentation, in English is mainly reflected in the presence of it and there substitution of these two components. Since the independent form of marking this the traditional view of grammar grammar filling constraints, often considered in the study of language "two language citizens", its research value has been greatly underestimated. At the same time, the academic understanding of its essence is lopsided. However, the research can not bypass the independent form of linguistic markers is the topic, the language system the rationality of the syntactic interpretation of linguistic theories are concerned, to a certain extent independent form markers has become one of the major touchstone of linguistic theory explanation. At present, the independent type of markers in language Other syntactic rationality system embodies mainly syntactic perspective, cognitive perspective and function from the perspective of the three aspects, but are debatable: syntactic perspective or set extended projection principle as an independent form marker, or will be compared with other components of the same physical language but assumptions such as "semi argument" or "split personality" the special syntactic processing scheme, the solution is not on the independent form mark belongs to the diachronic evolution results of this fact; cognitive perspective will form independent markers as "Settings" or "mental space", but in the framework of cognitive grammar language is the result of the cognitive role of reality mapping as the independent form, the reality of the lack of marker mapping, and therefore can not explain the reason through the language system embodied to clarify its syntactic function from the perspective of rationality; although the independent standard form Remember to select the motivation in the language system of interpersonal function and the textual function explanation based on, but there are still metafunctionaltheory explanation consistent,.SFL problem is not a standard to determine the function and function of configuration to use fuzzy language as the research object, it is argued that language is depends on the people to participate in social activities for the metafunctionaltheory thought express different semantics and needs different functions, at the same time as the reality of constructing Marxism adhering to language philosophy of language materials, semantic and formal markers as considerable independent evolution characteristics and is regarded as the real power library constructed without considering the reality of mapping, so on clear the independent form markers in language system can reflect the rationality of syntax provides a strong theoretical basis. At the same time, by the SFL leader Mr. Hallidy recommended Wolf emphasizes the importance of covert categories category of language research, the independent form markers were able to investigate functional motivations embodied in the language system, category relations can be in the form of non marking on the corresponding of the circumstances, which helps to reveal the unique restriction metafunctions reflect independent form the system can be labeled in the language. In view of this, the author takes the idea of SFL covert category metafunctionaltheory thought and Wolf as a starting point to explore the independent form markers to reflect why this problem in the language system, and focuses on three issues: independent form which has labeled metafunctionaltheory? Embodiment of implicit independence form labeled metafunctions? Form marker independent recessive metafunctions reflect the reasons behind how to explain? Reasonable answers to these research questions, as In the basic research on independent form markers metafunctionaltheory explain the insufficiency, the realization path of independent form to recessive marker metafunctionaltheory research, and then determine its functional categories and functional roles. At the same time, with the help of German, Dutch, Iceland, comparative evidence and semantic individual children the occurrence of CHILDES language corpus evidence based on the Danish and French cross linguistic typology, to explore the functional role of independent form markers provide semantic motivations of evidence. In addition, the United States and the United States COHA diachronic corpus corpus COCA corpus from the language system, based on the motivation of the two dimensions of the independent form of marking hidden behind the metafunctions are further discussed. The main findings are as follows: first, the independent form tag also has three metafunctions, and in The lexical and grammatical level and textual semantic layer are embodied in the existing research. Follow the path of semantic functional interpretation of semantic content of presumption of clausal elements based on the function of the role, often potential and potential between the lack of experience on meaning and semantic content of the realization of the relationship between the case, the semantic content with functional roles and functions to experience have the semantic content of the clausal elements. The influence of the traditional grammar research, semantic path independent form semantic content and lack of experience lack of marking function approach, nature cannot reveal the independent form of the mark experience building effect. Unlike semantic path, path function is mainly based on the metafunctions of coincidence standard and rank category structure components standard small sentence, that can and cannot be as independent independent segmentation processing default form markers must possess the three metafunctions. Because the word Sink grammar layer reflects the discourse semantic level, three metafunctions independent form markers should also be reflected in the discourse semantic level. At the same time, the experience of independent form of the mark has the function of language typology comparative evidence and semantic corpus evidence for individual child occurrence. Based on the second phase, for non formal markers, independent type the form of inverse marker has unique characteristics of covert category metafunctions determined based on the analysis of its function can be incorporated into the implicit metafunction analysis framework and analysis of recessive metafunctions. Independent form marked inverse features, the lexical and grammatical level experience, interpersonal and textual functions are embodied "experience questions", "rhythm / theme recognition", "subject predicate"; at the discourse semantic level experience, which reflects the interpersonal and textual functions as a "potential agent", "turn into" "Recognition and relationship". Based on the analysis framework of implicit metafunction, independent form marker it in lexical and grammatical level experience, interpersonal and discourse function can be respectively analysis as "hidden action / carrier", "covert subject", "hidden theme"; at the discourse semantic level experience, interpersonal with the textual function can be respectively analysis for "hidden control function", "recessive negotiation" and "tacit recognition". The independent label there form at the lexical grammatical level experience, interpersonal and discourse function can be respectively analysis as "carrier", "covert subject", "hidden theme"; at the discourse semantic level experience, interpersonal and discourse function can be respectively analysis for "hidden control function", "recessive negotiation" and "tacit recognition". Third, motivation independent form markers metafunction is mainly implicit It is the language system within the experience of the construction of prefabricated potential and the level of knowledge of language system construction potential two aspects. Internal motivation, increasing trend of independent form markers shown in duration distribution frequency of that independent form markers have not compared with other construction methods experience of the construction of prefabricated potential, which is the preference for the potential and experience of the construction of experience in the construction process. It is the experience of the construction of prefabricated potential, makes multiple components configuration reflect multiple representations of the experience phenomenon gradually to form independent markedness statute, which led to the original reference independent form marker object obviously further away from its referents, and show the unique characteristics of covert category inverse and ultimately lead to the recessive metafunction. External cause Words, independent form of markedness with high frequency distribution of other categories do not have in the academic genre, stating the independent form markedness helps to enhance the discourse verticality easily belong to academic genre level knowledge structure for the expression of meaning potential. But the independent form itself is not marked as weather the content and the existence of such participation level knowledge construction process, though independent form marks or meteorological existence based on. It is also the case, meaning independent form markers in language use is thus weakened, thus showing the corresponding non independent formal markers do not have implicit category the unique inverse characteristics and ultimately lead to the recessive metafunction. On the one hand, the independent form of the mark construction experience given functional explanation, and based on this on him Interpersonal function and textual function explanation, form a useful supplement to the existing research, and enhance the SFL theory in the field of interpretation. On the other hand, due to the Indo European family belongs to the Germanic language of German, Dutch, Danish and Iceland, belong to the same Indo European but belong to the Latin language are French independent form Markedness and English similar, this study can provide a reference type of linguistic function analysis approach for independent form markedness cross language types.





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