
发布时间:2018-01-21 06:39

  本文关键词: 汉赋 自然审美 生命意蕴 哲理内涵 审美意识 出处:《西北大学》2015年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Chinese natural aesthetic history is long, the Book of Songs will have a passion for the natural beauty of the praise, highlight the "Jing Yu", "natural aesthetic way sent to care". With Kong Meng as the representative of the Confucian appreciation of nature to rise to the level of morality, proposed a "benevolent, wise Le water" natural aesthetic standards. The old, Zhuang Taoism represented "the beauty of the world, the aesthetic realm of everything in the universe", that the universe is "natural" beauty is the highest realm of beauty in poetry works, the writers of the natural image grasp very full. So, we can not help but ask the Han Dynasty, especially the aesthetic trend in how to treat nature? The natural aesthetics is influenced by the natural aesthetic thought of Confucian or Taoist? Why han representative, reflects the Han natural aesthetic thought? Compared with the Han Dynasty stone art, Han Fu reflects the natural aesthetic which is unique, unique of this natural aesthetic is inherited the previous generation or gain change, there is no effect on later? This question is based on the following several chapters make a discussion. In the first chapter, on Han Fu the natural aesthetic ideology of Han in the analysis of natural aesthetic has formed its own unique characteristics of the idea of karma. Combing the Han Dynasty Han Dynasty cosmology and the relationship between the natural aesthetic construction of the Han Dynasty, generated from the three aspects of cosmology, evolution and the relationship of man and nature, the basic orientation of the mainstream social ideology in Han Dynasty, Han Dynasty and summarize on cosmology the natural aesthetics in which laid the natural content of aesthetic and aesthetic orientation of Han Dynasty. In the second chapter, the concrete of Han in the natural aesthetic object and type Analysis, fill in the current research on Hanfu aesthetic object lack of overall grasp of the omission. According to the different nature of aesthetic objects, the Han in the natural aesthetic objects into astronomical weather, geographical environment, plant and animal four categories, detailed summary, analysis, reveals the multilayer aesthetic culture the natural aesthetic implication, embodied in the third chapter, the natural beauty of the aesthetic form of Han Fu was analyzed. This chapter mainly analyzes the nature of Han Fu in the form of beauty, unique aesthetic style and the Han people's aesthetic interest, namely Han in the nature is how was observed and described by. Han natural aesthetic beauty of form summary, analysis found that the natural aesthetic appreciation of Han Fu first is the nature of nature form beauty and natural objects, which in its own natural look in Han Dynasty Generation of people eyes. Get rid of the shackles of pre Qin Han Dynasty natural aesthetic natural aesthetic view, open the "praising God in nature" natural aesthetic new stage. In the fourth chapter, life consciousness of the Han in the natural aesthetic behind, comprehensive, correctly grasp the Han Dynasty natural aesthetic theory supplement. Han cosmology based on Han Fu the natural aesthetics embodied in the philosophy of life. From the Han Dynasty cosmology "day", "Tao" creation of natural Qi of yin and Yang, five elements, four evolution of life conception, summarizes the Han natural aesthetic embodiment of "creation," Genesis of the connotation of "beauty" and "the consciousness of time and life and life philosophical connotation. The fifth chapter analyzes the relationship between heaven and man of Han Fu natural aesthetic, a comprehensive interpretation of the relationship between man and nature of the Han Dynasty. The relation between man and nature of natural aesthetics in Han Fu by multiple thought influence, both Han Yu On the philosophical connotation of Zhou, also the Han Dynasty religion, and Han people in the face of nature reflects the transformation of nature, enjoy life enterprising spirit, showing the Han people appreciate nature and respecting God, fear of the day, sky, Shun, Lotte diversified relationship of man and nature. In the sixth chapter, summary, discussion the characteristics of the aesthetic consciousness embodied in the aesthetic nature of Han Fu, the specific performance of "natural law" as the origin of the beauty of "Qi" as the aesthetic realm of life, everything "Wo" aesthetic ideal and the aesthetic creation of "relevance" mode of thinking, so as to reveal the nature of the Han Dynasty aesthetic China traditional aesthetics of nature the theory and practice significance. The first chapter explores the philosophical and ideological origin of natural aesthetic consciousness in Han Fu. In the second chapter, the third chapter of the natural aesthetic type of Han Fu, study style and characteristics, induction and interpretation. The fourth, fifth chapter The study of Han Fu natural aesthetic in rich philosophical, cultural connotation, the sixth chapter reveals the Han in the natural aesthetic aesthetic consciousness and aesthetic thoughts of Han Dynasty. The influence of the Han Dynasty discusses natural aesthetic significance and value for the construction of China ancient theory of natural beauty.



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3 晓日,杨s,




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