
发布时间:2018-01-21 13:13

  本文关键词: 学者小说 知识分子 身份 欲望 自由 责任 出处:《武汉大学》2016年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:In twentieth Century the Anglo American literary scene emerged a group of Professor writers, they created the novel as the postwar literary scholars a spectacular landscape. Under the new historical conditions in the postwar literature, pay more attention to the individual life in the cultural context, scholars novel by professor or writers and other intellectuals individual narrative protagonist, the intellectuals living environment the background, narration around the life of the intellectuals. Scholars writer by writing the intellectual life, from the individual and social levels reflect their respective groups, criticizing the social humanistic spirit decline. And this critical reflection, further highlighting the intellectuals is different from other groups of writers to emphasize the characteristics, value and humanistic intellectuals is irreplaceable in humanities the role of social development. Scholars in the novel, in the face of double identity of ordinary people and scholars, desire and reason Wisdom, personal freedom and social responsibility, multiple conflicts, individual both demonstrated beyond ordinary people's rational criticism, including intellectual qualities, but also exposed the weakness of human nature and some scholars. Contrary to rational quality in the contradiction between individual freedom and social responsibility, through personal morality and behavior choice of intellectuals involved in the individual life with the social life, once again take the lead the public responsibility. In twentieth Century the scholars of Anglo American scholars novel representative writers and works as the research object, from the self, and others, and social relations, which studies the intellectuals identity, desire, freedom and responsibility and other issues, to explore the survival situation of contemporary intellectuals, and through the analysis of the scholar novel unique narrative features and its future trend, revealing the historical period of the humanities value, and humanistic knowledge There are at present molecular significance. This paper consists of six chapters. The introduction mainly discusses the purpose and significance of research, research methods, research status at home and abroad, the innovation, and briefly introduces the main contents of each chapter. Academic novels in the modern context. The first chapter mainly discusses the development course of the Anglo American novels do diachronic sort analysis of external reasons, scholars and scholars in their novels postwar prosperity. The second chapter from the perspective of internal self and other intellectuals and the relationship, mainly around the issues of identity in the novel scholars discussed. Different scholars writer works of intellectuals showed different identities, such as minority writers in the works of racial identity, the change of national identity; different gender writers show gender identity. Through the interpretation of works caused by identity identity, gender discrimination and other problems in their analysis, Identity problems, scholars Writers through the works of the intellectuals beyond the ordinary people narrow race, gender, humanism spirit. The third chapter respectively from the academic life and daily life two aspects of in-depth analysis of the work character as the double life of scholars and ordinary people. On the one hand, researchers desire writing novels rational analysis, scholars in the face of power, money, love the temptations, rational become scholars to get money, to gain power, satisfy the lust booster, which highlighted the irony of scholars of desire and reason. On the other hand, works, scholars have tried to help the body passion aging, digestion of death fear to death struggle. However, aging can not resist, unexpected death, further to individual to sorrow. Through irony writing intellectuals in the face of a The body dies showed cradle weakness, writers and scholars from the broader level expressed on the individual existence. The fourth chapter mainly through the analysis of scholars in the novel intellectual pursuit of individual freedom and responsibility bear conflicts between the display of the intellectuals of the individual life and social life intervention. The intervention of individual life mainly through the display of individual freedom no free survival condition, understanding of the freedom of expression of the writer: the way to get rid of the shackles of the individual spirit of unremitting pursuit of the moral life, it is brave to assume their responsibility to society and others, is to accept others and tolerance. Writers and scholars involved in social life in the way of literature by writing individual post-war traumatic memories reveal war the evil, anti war thought and expression of scholars of humanistic care; library to write academic circle of scholars oppose the idea of totalitarian tortuous expression From the perspective of national self-confidence; set up ways to eliminate racial discrimination. The fifth chapter mainly combines text analysis of the main characteristics of the novel scholars. The scholars features scholars interpret the literary theory of the work itself, with the academic literature dissemination of scientific knowledge, the knowledge of molecular and critical scholars open; and the narrative characteristic is reflected as the scholar novel on classical literary writers writing consciousness of intertextuality, and the use of uncertainty of metafiction features, physical performance and so on. At the same time the irony scholars life compared with the same period in other works, in order to find the unique academic novels. The conclusion from the perspective of social development, the development of literature itself and further clarify the scholars in the novel involved in life, inheriting and disseminating classical literature and traditional literature, innovation and other aspects of the value from the function of literature, the scholar novel development point of view, certainly The significance and value of the humanities and the humanistic intellectuals to the society.





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