
发布时间:2018-01-26 08:42

  本文关键词: 新中国 上海 艺术设计 工作机制 出处:《上海大学》2016年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:In the study of the history of Chinese design, the academic circles pay little attention to the study of art design in the early days of the founding of new China, and the study of Shanghai art design in the first 30 years of the new China (1949-1978) is even more inadequate. This period of history almost became a blank in the writing of the history of design in Shanghai and even in China. The first 30 years of New China, from 1949 to 1978, resulted from the socialist transformation and the implementation of the planned economic system. Coupled with the sudden change of ideology, the art design, which was closely related to the market economy, was greatly suppressed. However, the art design work of Shanghai light industry has not been dispelled in this period. On the contrary, it reflects a unique development outlook that is different from any stage in history. In the first 30 years of the new China, the Shanghai light industry art design profession group maintained the basic stable scale. This high level of light industry art design team in the early days of the founding of New China for the stability of the new regime, social transformation. The enrichment of material and cultural life has played a positive role. Shanghai light industry art and design professional group due to the urban environment, historical background, work requirements and other factors generally have a multi-faceted characteristics. This has laid a foundation for the formation of the working mechanism of Shanghai light industry art design in this period, and Shanghai light industry art design talent training and team building is in a period of continuous twists and turns in the past three decades. However, in the face of the strong demand of the society for light industry art design personnel, Shanghai in the absence of professional art colleges and universities, through a variety of ways to train light industry art designers. In the absence of a strong college and academic authority of the environment, formed a multi-faceted, more liberal. Flexible light industry art design talent training and working mode. The service objects of Shanghai light industry art design in the first 30 years of new China include mass activities and political propaganda, foreign trade, commodity production and so on. And the latter two occupy more proportion than the former. Light industry art design in this period is not like other art categories in the context of politicization. Light industry art design followed the principles in this period for the embodiment of the will of the country. However, the art design of Shanghai light industry still pursues "Shanghai School" as far as possible under the general principle. The tradition and appearance of art design. The leadership and management system of Shanghai light industry art design in the first 30 years of New China was initially wasted by the decentralized and repeated management. Light industry art design work into a more rigid situation, after the light industry art design system self-correction, into a more centralized and professional leadership system, reasonable use of resources to carry out the work. Then return to a more efficient and feasible management mode. The first 30 years of Shanghai light industry art design work in the task allocation, team building, personnel management, job evaluation and other specific work links support. Has established a set of effective working mechanism, and forms this mechanism basic movement form, has the stable benign development, the extroversion influence. The features of working mechanism such as "self" appearance and development power formed in the new era. The work mechanism of Shanghai light industry art design in the first 30 years of new China has been transformed into technology and scale. Nationalization and other characteristics reflect the "modernity" of art design in the aspects of combining with industrial production, more closely related to the social ecology of the times, and related to the broader life of the masses of the people. It continues the tradition and style of art design of Shanghai School.




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