
发布时间:2018-01-31 01:47

  本文关键词: 生成之在 身体 欲望—机器 根茎 游牧 平滑空间 生成—动物 生成—弱势 生命 出处:《北京外国语大学》2014年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:吉尔·德勒兹(Gilles Deleuze,1925-1995)不仅是一位独具魅力的法国哲学家,而且是当代西方最重要的思想家之一。他的哲学博大而庞杂,跨越多个学科,对当代思想产生重要影响。本文立足于德勒兹的哲学文本,并结合德勒兹思想不同阶段的发展,对其“生成”思想的来源、形成和发展做出梳理,并力图展现德勒兹“生成”思想的各个维度。 在德勒兹早期的哲学史研究阶段,其“生成”思想体现为对传统存在论的深刻反思。德勒兹从对斯宾诺莎、柏格森、尼采的研究中找到“生成”理论的来源,并由此追溯到古希腊的赫拉克利特。德勒兹所提之“生成”不同于传统的“存在”本体论,它是“生成之在”,是“生成”与“存在”的统一,是“一”和“多”的统一。 不仅如此,德勒兹还建立起自己独特的身体理论,从而超越自笛卡尔以来的以“意识”为中心的主体哲学。德勒兹从斯宾诺莎哲学中看到身体不仅越过“意识”的控制,而且身体还在偶然的遭遇之中不断组合,影响与改变。此后,德勒兹和加塔里创造的“欲望机器”不仅延续着斯宾诺莎的身体的组合性,同时还增添了尼采的“权力意志”的生产性。欲望—机器就是"and…and then…"的身体,是不断连接的身体,也是不断生产的身体。 德勒兹的“生成”既带有时间上的异质性,也带有空间上的异质性。像“千高原”、“解域”、“根茎”、“游牧”、“逃逸线”、“平滑空间”等德勒兹式的重要概念几乎都和空间有关。通过这些概念的创造,德勒兹绘制出一种开放的、变化的、异质性的空间形态。这种空间形态本身就是其“生成”思想具体而生动的展示。“空间”本身就意味着不断解域和结域;“空间”永远处于开放之中、生成之中、创建之中。德勒兹式的生成—空间还是一种哲学创造和思想艺术的空间,带有鲜明的实验性和强烈的政治先锋色彩。 “向弱势生成”是德勒兹“生成”思想的重要组成部分。无论是生成—动物,还是生成—女人或者儿童,这些都是在不同层面对特定的主体和权威的解域。通过解域的方式,弱势者逃脱禁锢和压制。“生成”因而成为弱势者逃逸和抵抗的方式。最后,“生成”要向非人渐变,成为非人格的生命。生成,要返向绝对的内在性,返向生命本身——这就是“生成”的最终路线。
[Abstract]:Gilles Deleuzen 1925-1995 is not just a charismatic French philosopher. Moreover, he is one of the most important thinkers in the contemporary West. His philosophy is extensive and complex, spanning many disciplines, and exerting an important influence on contemporary thought. This paper is based on the philosophical text of Deleuze. Combining with the development of Deleuze's thought in different stages, the author combs the origin, formation and development of his thought of "generation", and tries to show every dimension of Deleuze's thought of "generation". In the early research stage of Deleuze's philosophy history, his "generation" thought was reflected in a profound reflection on the traditional ontology. Deleuze found the source of the "generation" theory from his study of Spinoza, Bergson and Nietzsche. From this, it can be traced back to the ontology of "creation" proposed by Heraclitus Deleuze in ancient Greece, which is different from the traditional ontology of "being". It is the unity of "generation" and "being". It is the unity of "one" and "more". Not only that, Deleuze also developed his own unique body theory. From the philosophy of Spinoza, DeLerz sees that the body not only crosses the control of "consciousness", but also the body is constantly combined in the accidental encounter. Influence and change. Since then, the "desire machine" created by Deleuz and Gattari has not only continued Spinoza's combination of bodies. It also adds to Nietzsche's productive desire for "will to power." machines are the bodies of "and... And then." they are constantly connected bodies, and they are constantly producing bodies. Deleuze's "generation" has both temporal heterogeneity and spatial heterogeneity, such as "thousands of plateau", "solution domain", "rhizome", "nomadic", "escape line". "smooth space" and other important concepts of the Delez-style almost all related to space. Through the creation of these concepts, Deleuze created an open, changing. The spatial form of heterogeneity. The spatial form itself is a concrete and vivid display of its thought of "generation". Space. Always in the open, in the process of generation, in the process of creation, Deleuze's generation-space is still a kind of space of philosophical creation and ideological art, with distinct experimental and strong political vanguard color. "generating to the weak" is an important part of Deleuze's thought of "generation". Whether it is generation-animal, generation-women or children. These are the different levels of the specific subject and authority of the solution. Through the solution of the way, the vulnerable escape from imprisonment and suppression... "generation" thus become the vulnerable escape and resistance. Finally. "Generation" should gradually change to non-human beings and become non-personality life. Generation, return to absolute immanence, return to life itself-this is the final route of "generation".


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