
发布时间:2018-01-31 05:01

  本文关键词: 萨尔浒之战 丁卯战争 丙子战争 汉文学 新历史主义 出处:《延边大学》2015年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:十七世纪前半期发生的“朝鲜朝—后金(清)战争”中,在女真(满族)铁骑的奇袭猛攻之下,朝鲜军队只有招架之功,没有还手之力,,接连遭到惨败,直至朝鲜仁祖王向清太宗皇太极行三叩九拜之礼,沦为大清帝国的藩国。这不但对明与清的交替以及新的东北亚政治格局的形成产生了至关重要的影响,而且也对朝鲜广大人民留下了无尽的战争创伤,对后来朝鲜的历史走向产生了极为深远的影响。在此后的数百年来,这自然成为朝鲜人内心中难以治愈心灵创伤和奇耻大辱,成为不堪回首的往事,所以尽管以 “朝鲜朝—后金(清)战争”为题材的文学作品颇多,但对此进行深入的、系统性研究的学者罕见,其研究成果也比较单薄。这种状况一直延续到近现代,因此围绕着“朝鲜朝—后金(清)战争”的历史,朝鲜半岛南北的学术界迄今仍存有许多认识误区,许多问题有待澄清。这个战争的历史真相以及历史遗留下来的是非功过等,只能由我们后人来评说。“朝鲜朝—后金(清)战争”题材汉文学大体上可分为纪实文学、传记文学、小说和诗歌等四个部分。纪实文学作为朝鲜朝一后金(清)战争.“实像的真实记录,可以分为萨尔浒之战题材、丁卯战争题材和丙子战争题材纪实文学。《金将军传》、《三学士传》、《闵龙岩W洞返却俏难е饕茄≡裰匾氖录叭宋锸录#桓鋈说囊簧右愿爬ㄐ缘孛枋觯∷抵饕匀爸轿獠牡恼晕澈暮何男∷怠洞挹齑贰⒑槭捞┑摹督鹩⒄艽泛腿╤;的《姜虏传》等被虏文学。在以丙子战争为题材的汉文小说《柳绿传》和《江都梦游录》再现了战争的惨状并追问战败的责任。就汉诗表现朝鲜朝时期对后金战争的来说,以萨尔浒之战为题材的汉诗作品中哀悼金应河将军的居多,在以丙子战争题材的汉诗中,李应禧的《丙子乱后还家追述避乱中事寄赠赵汝璧 四十韵》是对丙子战争的残像的描述,但是其中对朝鲜王的赞歌也占相当一部分。鉴于此,本文以朝鲜—后金(清)战争题材汉文学为研究对象,采用新历史主义文学理论与批评方法,广泛收集相关作品和历史文献,重点探讨了文学与历史之间互文性,既较清楚地勾勒出了朝鲜—后金(清)战争题材汉文学的全貌,又比较详细地分析了具体作家的作品,在此基础上做出了自己的价值判断。
[Abstract]:In the first half of 17th century, in the "Korean Chao-Hou-Kim (Qing) War", under the surprise attack of Nu Zhen (Manchu) Iron Riding, the North Korean army had nothing but to fight back and suffered a series of fiasco defeats. Until the Korean benevolent emperor Wang Xiangqing Taizong emperor Taiji three kowtow nine worship, reduced to the Qing Empire, which not only the alternation of Ming and Qing dynasties and the formation of a new political pattern of Northeast Asia had a vital impact. It also left endless war wounds on the vast majority of the Korean people and had a profound impact on the historical direction of the country later, for hundreds of years thereafter. This naturally becomes the heart of the Korean people can not heal the mental trauma and humiliation, become unthinkable past events, so despite the "Korean Chao-later Kim (Qing) War" as the theme of literature is quite a lot. However, in-depth, systematic research scholars are rare, their research results are also relatively thin. This situation has continued to modern times, so around the "Korean Chao-later Kim (Qing) War" history. Up to now, there are still many misunderstandings in the academia of the north and south of the Korean Peninsula, and many problems need to be clarified. The historical truth of the war and the merits and demerits left over from history are also discussed. Only by our posterity to comment. "Korean Chao-later Kim (Qing) War" theme of Chinese literature can be divided into documentary literature, biographical literature. Fiction and poetry. Documentary literature as the Korean Dynasty after the Kim (Qing) war. "the reality of the true record, can be divided into the war of Salhu theme." Dingmao War theme and C War theme documentary Literature. "Gen. Jin Zhuan", "three Bachelor's Biography", < Min Longyan W Cave? Return? Is it hard to eat? Eggplant 鈮




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