
发布时间:2018-01-31 13:13

  本文关键词: 语言 记忆 复杂网络 核磁共振成像 脑神经网络 管理神经学 出处:《上海大学》2016年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Behavior rules of the development of management science cannot do without the study of human, human behavior depends on the brain operation process. Language and memory is the information encoding human, two kinds of cognitive function and external expression of internal accumulation of storage and retrieval and encoding. They are interdependent, cooperative operation. With cognitive neuroscience that brain imaging techniques, and the development of complex system theory and mature, people pay more attention to summarize the relationship between brain, cognition and management. This paper based on the theory of complex systems in two aspects: to construct and study the dynamic frequency of vocabulary has been generating language text in the growth of network; by magnetic resonance imaging technology, construction from the human nature of neural activity and analysis of brain episodic memory network. In this paper, theoretical research on the basic law of complex network, not only can be used in the growth of net language text In a network, a quantitative model of human activities can also be applied to a wider range of statistics can understand big data era of human behavior from the aspect of management deeply, with economic analysis and prediction of network evolution, and social and academic significance. With the aging society China of more and more serious, as one of the four Alzheimer's disease the big threat to human health, which can not be cured and the incidence of occult onset, the crowd gradually younger. Because the disease leads to loss of memory and thinking, personality and behavior change, unable to carry out normal decision-making, caused a great spirit to the society and family, economic burden and time. This paper takes the disease as an example, with theory in the early stages of the resting state brain episodic memory network changes of the disease, economic and social significance. The main contents of this paper are as follows: (1) based on the theory of complex system of dynamic language text Construction of frequency distribution network state generation process, several important complex network distribution model is explained from the aspect of theory, clarifies the relation between the characteristics of them and each other. Based on the Simon model selection mechanism on linguistics important law Heaps law and the complex network core distribution of power-law distribution of equivalence relation Q. A power-law distribution, -Waring distribution and the average degree of nodes with the maximum degree increasing network linear growth mode of the necessary and sufficient conditions. Study the power-law distribution and density of the power-law (network is superlinear). The relationship between the given strict definition of scaling function, prove a the characteristics of it, the scale-free network is discussed. Finally, the novel text of the theoretical model are fitted and verified. (2) using functional magnetic resonance imaging, through a A new idea to construct the resting state of episodic memory network. To verify the rationality of this method. By studying the changes of the network connection in Alzheimer's disease early and late stage function, found abnormal recession increased functional connectivity can predict memory function. Through the small world network analysis method, comparison of changes in different stages of the disease network the characteristics of small world, to find the abnormal increase of functional connectivity of auxiliary interpretation. And testing of this small world network with random and targeted attacks under the network fault recovery capability. Innovation of this paper lies in: (1) proved the relationship between several important law of complex system theoretically using mathematical process strictly the results can be extended to the application of more complex networks. (2) to often have differences using the "scale-free network", "scaling function" or "no The scale distribution "and other concepts were strictly defined and explained mathematically. (3) studied from the level of brain activity on personality behavior and cognitive function change with the actual experimental research method. In the resting state of episodic memory network construction in a new way, to overcome the memory function of the brain is not a a separate function, it is difficult to determine the difficulty of brain regions. Study memory network structure change by using complex network analysis method. (4) found a resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging in Alzheimer's disease early functional episodic memory network connection in the abnormal increase, this increase predicted its memory function, resting state imaging has the characteristics of operation is a wide range of applications.



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