
发布时间:2018-02-01 10:41

  本文关键词: 基督教希伯来学 《希伯来圣经》 基督教喀巴拉 人文主义 宗教改革 出处:《山东大学》2016年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Christian Hebrews is a kind of religious academic research that appeared in the early modern Europe. It is a kind of Hebrew language and classic for Christian scholars to benefit the Christian faith. Philosophy and other cultural elements of the transformation of the application of the display of an academic activity. No doubt. This research or research activity constitutes an important part of the history of the relationship between Christianity and Judaism. This paper combs the rise and development of Christian Hebrew in the early Renaissance and religious reform in modern Europe. By comparing the response of Christian Hebrews among Jewish scholars, this paper tries to analyze the nature of Christian Hebrew and reveal its influence on Christianity itself and Judaism. Systematic and in-depth understanding of Christian Hebrew, an important historical phenomenon in the history of religious relations. The full text is composed of an introduction, six chapters, a total of eight parts. Introduction. It mainly explains the basis and reason of the title "Christian Hebrews", the background and significance of the selected topic, comments on the relevant research situation at home and abroad, and clarifies the purpose and thinking of this thesis. Chapter one. This paper mainly expounds the rise of Christian Hebrew in the Italian Renaissance. Firstly, it discusses the reasons for the rise of Hebrew in the Italian Renaissance, and summarizes the Italian period with characters as the distinguishing sign. Spanish Christian humanists in the study of Hebrew preliminary achievements, and finally analysis of the characteristics of this period of Christian Hebrew study. Chapter two. This paper mainly expounds the inheritance and dissemination of Christian Hebrews by the humanists in the north of Europe. Under the influence of the Italian humanists, the humanists in the German region inherit and spread the study of Christian Hebrew, and the characteristics of the study of Christian Hebrew in that period. Chapter three. This paper mainly expounds the sectarization and research content of Hebrew Christianity in the period of religious reform and the expansion of its scope of communication. The religious reform provides a dual motive force for the development of Hebrew studies. However, the process of Christian secularization also led to the development characteristics of Christian Hebrews. By summing up the size, type, circulation and dissemination of Christian Hebrew works in this period. This chapter focuses on the expansion of the study and dissemination of Hebrew Christianity. Chapter 4th. It mainly explains the deepening of the study of Hebrew Christianity in the period of religious Reformation. The study of the Hebrew Bible and the application of Kabala by Catholic scholars show that the contents of the study of Christian Hebrew are further deepened by the process of religious reform. Chapter 5th. This paper takes Elias Levita and Leon Modena as the representatives to illustrate the recognition of Jewish scholars in the group of Jewish scholars. Support and refute, oppose such two attitudes towards Christian Hebrews, and through comparison to analyze the causes of the two different attitudes. 6th. This paper mainly explains the historical influence of Christian Hebrew. The paper expounds the influence of Christian Hebrew on it from the perspectives of Christianity and Judaism. This paper analyzes and summarizes the nature of Christian Hebrew and points out the important role of Christian Hebrew in understanding the relationship between Christianity and Judaism in early modern times.




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