
发布时间:2018-03-20 15:48

  本文选题:女性主义伦理思想 切入点:当代中国 出处:《东南大学》2016年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Feminism is one of the important trends of the world in recent decades, it has spawned many feminist ethics, feminist film science and art. The feminist ethics is the maternal thinking, gender analysis as the basis, it is based on the female perspective review of ethics, the liberal feminism ethics, women caring ethics, feminist bioethics, feminist ecological ethics, feminist ethics and other related academic fields. The feminism film is with women as the main form of art reflects a basic spirit of feminism. Although it was born in the west, but in the Chinese in 1980s after it has begun to take shape. To study the feminist ethics in the contemporary Chinese feminism in the film narrative both for the promotion of contemporary China feminist ethics or when the generation of Chinese It has very important significance to the development of feminist narrative. This thesis aims to explore the relationship between feminist ethics and contemporary Chinese feminist film, showing various manifestations of feminist ethics thought in the contemporary Chinese in the film narrative, and find out the problems and put forward ideas to solve the problem. This paper is divided into six parts the introduction part includes the research origin, research object, research status, research ideas, the core concept of analysis. The first chapter is liberal feminism ethics and contemporary Chinese film narrative, including the essence of feminism free ethics, analysis of liberal feminism ethics, feminist ethics free film analysis. The article thinks, liberal feminism ethics is liberal female ethics, should emphasize female survival with the liberal The idea is the same, according to the free, independent and self decision principle, to achieve self realization, self potential development as a priority. The essence of liberal feminism ethics is the pursuit of freedom, independence, rationality, also out of the family, to society. China, reform and opening up, there has been a lot of reflection of feminism and feminist freedom ethics movies, such as "Red Sorghum", "chick flick" and "one of the masterpieces of Du Lala promotion. They interpret the essence of" liberal feminism ethics in modern art form. The second chapter is the discussion of Feminist Care Ethics Thought and contemporary China film narrative, including the characteristics of Feminist Care Ethics, analysis of Feminist Care Ethics, feminist ethics of care film analysis. The article thinks that the Feminist Care Ethics emphasizes the relationship, emotional care So, its theoretical basis is the moral differences between the sexes. The essence of Feminist Care Ethics is a kind of Female Ethics, it will be of concern and sympathy from the emotional relationship is applied to people. It is based on psychology, empirical relatively obvious. It is mainly from the perspective of women. The emphasis on the relationship, the importance of care, and puts forward a feasible path to achieve care. In this chapter on contemporary China Feminist Care Ethics narrative based on the overall analysis selected "beautiful big feet" and "my love" as sparrows were dissected. "Beautiful feet > is a hostess Zhang Meili rural women, she is shown concern and responsibility. In" my love "in a total of three set up the image of the mother, despite their different characteristics, but also reflects the maternal natural care emotion. The third chapter is the discussion of the female Feminist bioethics thought and contemporary Chinese film narrative, including the essence of feminist bioethics thought, application of feminist life ethics, feminist bioethics thought of film analysis. The article thinks that the feminist bioethics is standing in the angle of female care all life, with particular attention to ethical issues and is closely related to women's life the core of feminist bioethics is a concern, so its connection with the feminist ethics of care is very close. Feminist bioethics attention of all life, it connected with the feminist ecological ethics is inherent. In the contemporary Chinese narrative of the film, there are a lot of reflection of feminist bioethics thought. This paper focuses on the analysis of works with AIDS as the theme forever < >, < > live is better than to die, and transplant the theme of dialysis. < > Fourth Chapter is the discussion of feminist ethics thought and contemporary China film narrative, including the essence of feminist ethics thought and Reflection on the feminism ethics thought, film analysis of feminist ethics. The article thinks that the essence of feminist ethics norms and moral principles is to treat ethics from the perspective of women and personal experience, with the female experience as the center, take the women as the core to explore the ethical moral paradigm is how. It can constrain the female behavior in family and society, to help women establish sexual awareness, healthy behavior, promote the sound development of stable and harmonious marriage and family and society in contemporary Chinese. The narrative of the film, most shows are healthy concept of freedom, one sex, faithful, critical confusion, sex trading and other unhealthy contemporary Chinese. The film narrative is also concerned with the female sexual consciousness, sexual behavior and sexual ethics related to some new problems, mainly is "third", "gay", "female man", "drag queen". The conclusion part discusses the characteristics of contemporary female narrative of the film, Chinese Marxist ethics value, the outlook. That the characteristics of ideological contemporary female narrative of the film Chinese ethics is positive, moderate and diverse; its value is mainly reflected in gender equality, women's freedom, care, respect for life, health and other aspects; feminist ethical thoughts reflected in contemporary China movie narrative still has space for further development, the need to continue to strengthen in two aspects of theory and practice.





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