
发布时间:2018-04-04 08:43

  本文选题:国家治理 切入点:清代 出处:《云南大学》2016年博士论文

[Abstract]:"State Governance" is a hot issue in theory and reality in academic circles at present. At the end of 2013, President Xi Jinping made an important speech and explained the meaning of "national governance".Subsequently, the research has received extensive attention from many scholars in the fields of political science, administrative management and other disciplines.From the perspective of history, this paper holds that the governance of the country today is in the same vein with the historical period, and that there is an inherent logical relationship between "governance" and "reason", with the meaning of the governance of the state and the management of the state.It is the construction of the management system and the implementation of the policy policy after the state governs the chaos.For this reason, this paper selects the special region of the ethnic minority region of southeast Yunnan in the Qing Dynasty as the research object, and takes the research method of historical geography as the means.This paper probes into the process of national governance in Southeast Yunnan in Qing Dynasty from three angles: the establishment of administrative divisions, the construction of military defense system in frontier areas, and the management system of grass-roots society.These three aspects complement each other and progress step by step.First of all, after reconstructing the land and returning to the country, the state has carried out administrative regionalization, set up administrative divisions to imitate the urban pattern in the mainland, built cities, dug pools, and other public facilities such as schools, granaries, and Yangji hospitals, marking the entry of the state's administrative power.In order to ensure the normal operation of the daily administrative organs and stabilize the borderland ethnic society, the Green Battalions, one of the State standing Armies of the Qing Dynasty, were formally stationed, and flood, ponds, checkpoints, posts and cards were set up at various road traffic nodes.A tight military defense network was formed. Thirdly, in view of the complexity of the natural and human environment in the frontier ethnic areas, the Qing Dynasty government, on the one hand, transplanted and simulated the management system of the grass-roots society in the interior into the region.On the other hand, the proper preservation of the social structure of some ethnic groups, the combination of them with grass-roots organizations in the interior to form joint governance, and the gradual development of agriculture and the exploitation of mineral resources are the embodiment of the national governance capacity. In addition,The local governments also worked hard to develop culture, education and public utilities, which strengthened the national identity of the border people. Finally, when the French colonists invaded the southeast of Yunnan in the late Qing Dynasty, they faced a crisis in the frontier areas, especially when they were involved in disputes over border affairs.From the central government to Fengjiang officials, they can fight for every inch of land and have responsibility, which embodies a strong sense of responsibility to safeguard the territorial integrity of the country.In a word, this paper takes the region of southeast Yunnan as the special period and region of the study in the Qing Dynasty, and probes into the three topics of setting up the administrative division, constructing the military defense system of the border area, and the management system of the grass-roots society.Although each has its own emphasis, it is mainly from the administrative, military, and social perspectives to discuss the process of governance of the state in the borderland ethnic minority areas.It is pointed out that the completion of national construction and border governance in the Qing Dynasty was achieved through "ruling chaos" (settling down and unifying by force and "rationalizing") (restoring national social order)-"rehabilitating the aftermath" (comprehensively constructing the border area system of controlling chaos).Integration "and other stages;"Based on the study of the movement of building a city in the border area and the characteristics of the internal pattern of the borderland city after the reform of the land and the return of the land, this paper probes into the characteristics of the geographical evolution and the historical process carried out by the national governance organization in the ethnic areas of the frontier area.The ultimate goal of national governance is to constantly melt the differences between the border areas and the interior, to achieve the process of integration of the two, thus more conducive to the maintenance of social stability and prosperity in the border areas.




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