
发布时间:2018-04-24 16:31

  本文选题:天南新报 + 邱菽园 ; 参考:《东北师范大学》2017年博士论文

[Abstract]:Raffles landed on the island of Singapore in 1819. With British colonists soliciting Chinese workers, reclaiming land, building ports, building markets, and conducting large-scale international trade, the ancient land of Singapore set foot on the track of modern urban development. With the prosperity of economy and the continuous influx of immigrants, the international immigrant society of Singapore was gradually formed. After 1840, the number of Chinese workers in the Lower South Ocean gradually increased, especially after 1860, with the emergence of large-scale migration tide along the southeast coast of China. Singapore soon became one of the main settlements of overseas Chinese in the South Ocean since modern times. The overseas Chinese are the most important part of the population structure of Singapore in modern times and the basis for the prosperity of the overseas Chinese economy in Singapore. The prosperity of the overseas Chinese economy in modern Singapore has also promoted the overseas Chinese community in Singapore. The emergence and development of overseas Chinese schools and overseas Chinese newspapers. As an important platform and concentrated embodiment of the cultural development of overseas Chinese in Singapore, Tiannan Xinbao emerged as the times require. The first chapter takes the historical background of the birth of "Tiannan Xinbao" as the research object, and probes into the development track of international immigrant society, overseas Chinese economy and overseas Chinese culture in modern Singapore. On this basis, the second chapter starts the research on the establishment, distribution, editing, writers team, audience group, newspaper purpose, newspaper characteristics and newspaper nature. The third chapter respectively from the "Tian Nan Xin Bao" to strengthen the economic and cultural ties between Singapore overseas Chinese and the motherland, issued the appeal to inherit the excellent traditional Chinese culture, promote the development of overseas Chinese newspaper culture in Singapore, and so on. To study the relationship between Tiannan Xinbao and the overseas Chinese economy and culture in Singapore. In chapter four, from the perspective of the life, literary theory, influence, value and contribution of the main editorial writers in Tiannan New News, the author studies the echo and function of the Tiannan New News for the improvement of the late Qing Dynasty and the revolutionary trend of thought. The fifth chapter makes a deep analysis and demonstration on the influence of Tiannan Xinbao from the international perspective, the relationship with other newspapers and periodicals, the interaction of social trends of thought, the leading social movement and so on. Through the above studies, we try to clearly sort out the blood and flesh ties between the overseas Chinese society and the motherland and their ancestral countries, and present the contributions made by the overseas Chinese society in supporting and cooperating with the motherland and the political and economic development of their ancestral countries. This paper discusses the role of Tiannan Xinbao in the economic and cultural development of overseas Chinese in Singapore, and expounds the media character and professional spirit of Tiannan Xinbao. It also analyzes the ideas of the main writers, and examines their contributions to the spiritual nutrition left behind in the interaction with the social trend of thought and the promotion of the progress of the social ideological trend. This paper makes use of the historical materials of the National University of Singapore Library, such as "Tian Nan Xin Bao", "Star newspaper", "Sun Xin Bao", "Lat newspaper", and so on, among them, "Tian Nan Xin Bao" is the main one. And with the same period of "Star", "Sun Xin", "Lat" and so on to make a general comparison. On the basis of collating and drawing on the previous research results, the multi-dimensional space of journalism history research is constructed by sociological and historical methods. By perfecting the research paradigm of the history of journalism and expanding the research field of the history of journalism, we can better demonstrate the important value of the news media in the aspects of enlightening thought, uplifting spirit, promoting social progress and promoting economic development. This paper also clarifies some academic doubts about China's modern history, and points out, for example, that the Tiannan New News is not the official newspaper of the Imperial Council, that Qiu Shuyuan is not a member of the Imperial people's Office, and that there is no deep relationship between Qiu Shuyuan and Kang Youwei. Qiu Shuyuan did not fund Tang Caichang's uprising, and so on. These studies are helpful to promote the study of the history of overseas Chinese and overseas Chinese newspapers and periodicals in Singapore.


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