
发布时间:2018-04-25 20:19

  本文选题:文化认同 + 英语学习 ; 参考:《山东师范大学》2016年博士论文

[Abstract]:In today's world, globalization has become an irresistible trend of the times. Like economic globalization, the different cultures around the world, with the help of advanced information technology and developed mass media, have also gained more opportunities for mutual shock and collision at the same time, and make us more complex. In the meta - cultural environment, the comparison and conflict between different cultures and values imperceptibly influence the individual's consciousness and the individual's identification goals for ideas, local culture, western culture and individual values. According to the view of the post colonial theory, the world is globalized and modernized today, those early and obtained The rapidly developing countries, which have an absolute advantage in economic science and technology, still have a more serious cultural hegemonism for the post - developed modern country, which actually creates another more concealed colonial - cultural colonization wrapped in legal forms. Postcolonial theory holds that this is the case. The reasons are related to both East and west countries: on the one hand, western developed countries take the initiative to carry out compulsory cultural transmission and assimilation to developing countries by their own strong forces in economic and other aspects. On the other hand, developing countries have to obey some western countries in order to keep pace with western developed countries in the process of modernization. The dominant and recessive cultural aggression has gradually lost its native culture and national self-confidence. In any case, cultural imperialism and cultural colonialism have become an irresistible fact, regardless of the reasons. College students are the best of their peers, are very valuable talent resources, a nation's hope, a nation. The university stage is the key period for college students' world outlook, outlook on life, values, and the establishment and development of changes. In this period, college students' psychology has the characteristics of curiosity, sensitivity and so on. As a post-90s college student, it has a strong desire for knowledge, and has a strong exploration, understanding and connection to the new things. After entering the University, facing the changing complex learning and living environment, facing the numerous cultural phenomena and values, they actively and involuntarily draw the juices of various cultures. However, due to the lack of identification and the lack of ideological awareness, many big students produce Chinese and Western cultural phenomena of different values. The western life habits, the philosophy and the aesthetic consciousness of the west gradually integrate into the values of college students. The values of the Chinese excellent traditional culture correspond to the Chinese students' Chinese micro and loss, which reflects the loss of their national cultural positions and the wavering of their values. There is not enough attention in the contemporary college students, and there is a dilemma and crisis. Language is the carrier of culture. While learning English knowledge and skills, English learners will inevitably encounter a problem of how to treat the national culture of the target language and the native culture of the mother tongue, that is, the learners recognize the two different cultures. Therefore, we need to understand the current situation of the influence of English language learning on the cultural identity of the native language and the target language of the college students from the perspective of the relationship between language and culture. This paper first combines the domestic and foreign scholars' bilingual phenomenon theory about cultural identity through quantitative research to understand English learners at school. The identity of college students in the mother tongue culture and the target language culture, and the analysis of "English learning", "gender", "family background" (rural / town) are the factors that affect the cultural identity of the native language and the target language in the course of English learning. On the basis of the cultural identity part of the questionnaire, the survey on the change of machine and self identity has been modified and supplemented. Through qualitative research on collective semi open formal interview, the approach and acceptance of English culture for non English majors and English majors, the understanding of the mother tongue and the language, the surface culture and the deep culture Understanding and value position and so on. The conclusions are analyzed from the factors affecting the cultural identity of English learners to the mother tongue and the target language, the degree of identity and performance of English learners at different cultural levels. State and meaning construction. The questions selected by the interview are of practical significance and concern for the researchers. According to the results of the research, the researcher proposes the theoretical enlightenment of the optimization of College Students' English education from the perspective of pedagogy, including the establishment of a correct cultural view, the construction of the cross-cultural context, the cultivation of cultural skills, and the education of the educators. At the same time, some suggestions are put forward in the practice of English teaching, namely, the infiltration of mother tongue culture and the excavation of the essence of the cultural essence of the target language in the aspects of English teaching, in order to enable the college students to form a rational cognitive understanding and value position to the mother tongue culture and the target language culture, and to optimize the college students' English education. According to the research ideas and research contents, this paper investigates the cultural identity of the mother tongue and the target language of college students by means of literature, questionnaire and interview. The overall structure of this paper consists of six parts: the first part is the introduction, which introduces the origin of the topic, the purpose, the significance, the definition and the study of the concept. The second part is the literature review, which is the related research on language learning and cultural identity at home and abroad, and the review of the existing research. The third part is the theoretical basis of the study. This article mainly uses the theory of "cut bilingualism" and "additional bilingualism" on the cultural identity of Lambert learners in two language. The "productive bilingualism" and "separatist bilingualism" and the theory of constructivism are the inspiration of the above theory to the study. The fourth part is the empirical study on the status quo of the cultural identity of the college students. The two part and the last is the conclusion of the study. The fifth part is the theoretical inspiration for the optimization of College Students' English education. That is to put forward some suggestions from the macro theoretical aspects of the research results of the former chapter, including four aspects, namely, the establishment of the correct cultural concept, the construction of the cross-cultural context, the cultivation of cultural skills and the cultivation of the concept of the caring of the educators. The six part is the countermeasures and suggestions in the practice of English teaching. This chapter also expounds the research results of the former chapter from two aspects, namely, the infiltration of the mother tongue culture and the excavation of the cultural essence of the target language from the perspective of the constructivist learning theory. The majority of the study, mainly divided into the investigation of the cultural identity of the immigrants and the research on the cultural identity of bilingual or multilingual users. The non positivist class is about the macro theory of language learning and cultural identity. The domestic research on English learning and cultural identity is obviously insufficient in number, It is found that there are no studies on cultural identity of college students in the doctoral thesis. The domestic research is basically based on the empirical research, which is divided into two parts according to the classification of the research objects, and some are specially aimed at the research of College English majors. The other part is a variety of research except the object of this study, including a few studies on non English majors and English teachers, the comparative study of English majors and non English majors. The main significance of this paper is: first, the theoretical significance, comprehensive related research on language learning and cultural identity, From two aspects of internal restriction mechanism and external restriction mechanism, the author summarizes the formation mechanism of College Students' cultural identity, enriches the theory of cultural identity mechanism, and draws lessons from the questionnaire design of the comprehensive former researchers and consumes their topics, improves the reliability, enriches the qualitative research, increases the proportion of interviews, and consummate empirical investigation and research. The research object is extended to the undergraduate and graduate students of Normal College English majors and the study of the relationship between language learning and college students' cultural identity. This is also necessary for the research of the existing knowledge system in the comprehensive display and deepening of education, linguistics, intercultural communication and other subjects. Secondly, the practical significance, in the questionnaire survey data On the basis of the analysis of the results of the interview, we have an objective understanding of the different Bilingual Phenomena of College English majors and non English majors from the perspective of English learning, that is, the status of the identity of the mother tongue culture and the target language culture; according to the results of the investigation, the education managers and College English teachers are in the educational practice from the educational perspective. The teaching of professional English and the teaching of College English put forward relevant educational revelations. Through the related English Teaching in Colleges and universities, the cultural self-consciousness and cultural confidence of the college students will be trained to stimulate the love and practice of the students to the Chinese excellent culture, to consolidate the core cultural values of the College students and to enhance the ability of the students to choose the foreign culture. Deepening the role of cultural function in the process of educating people in Colleges and universities is the practical need to improve the national cultural soft power and improve the quality of national strategic reserve talents in the new era.



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