
发布时间:2018-04-26 11:53

  本文选题:现实主义 + 总体 ; 参考:《福建师范大学》2016年博士论文

[Abstract]:On Lukacs's realistic literary theory, some scholars are skeptical about his organic general view. As Bloch said, "Lukacs is always on the premise of independent and interrelated reality, and the subjective factor of idealism in this reality has no position, but it is the idealist system instead of it." Therefore, in the German classical philosophy, the uninterrupted "holism" theory has been developed most fully. Indeed, in his discussion of realistic literature, Lukacs had more than once emphasized that literature should reflect the "objective" reality from an organic overall standpoint. However, when people are constantly from the position of Postmodernism When criticizing this organic view of Lukacs, people seem to be inadvertently oblivious to the fact that Lukacs's overall view is precisely based on criticizing all kinds of "irrational" outlook. In Lukacs's view, the materialized structure of capitalist society can always permeate the various human real life. As a result, any critical form confined to the field of literature can not have a real critical effect on the capitalist society. Since the bourgeois literature has been conscious of the oppression or oppression of the rational tradition of capitalism, although they are only concerned with the real people, the bourgeois literature has been only concerned with the people in the real life. The alienation phenomenon is not to face the alienation reality itself, so they never come out of the trap of "irrational" overall theory. Of course, while criticizing naturalism and modernist literature, Lukacs is not eager to make a complete negation of the two literary styles. Lukacs thinks naturalism is a naturalism. The greatest contribution of literature and modernist literature is that they clearly show the diversity of human life. However, they have never provided a relatively reasonable answer to the question of how to maintain the pluralism of human life. Luca, in the view of the materialized structure of the capitalist society. Within the Department, any kind of critical assumption of pluralism in literature cannot be realized, because the materialized structure of the capitalist society is based on the "respect" of human pluralism. Of course, when Lukacs constantly emphasizes that literature should point the critical spear to the capitalist system, he is not finished. In the "narration and description >", Lukacs once criticized the socialist literature of the time by criticizing the Western Naturalism Literature. This paper is divided into five parts: the first part, the main part is to discuss the basis of Lukacs's realism theory. It is undeniable that Lukacs's theory of realism is the foundation of his theory of realism. However, the place where Lukacs's theory of reflection is different from the theory of classical literature is that he treats the classical theory of reflection as a historical and concrete treatment; the second part mainly discusses the general theory and the canon of Luca's literary theory of strange realism. The idea of type theory. The general theory and the typical theory of Lukacs's realism are closely linked. Lukacs believes that literature needs to resort to typical characters to reflect the overall social and historical reality. However, the typical characters described here by Lukacs are not presented as the Soviet Socialist Literature of the Soviet Union in 30s. The class image of the third part, the third part, mainly discusses the evaluation of naturalism literature. Lukacs's evaluation of naturalism literature is mainly reflected in his "narration and description". Lukacs believes that literature should reflect the overall social and historical reality in form, and the internal narration and description need to be dialectical unity. The reason why the naturalist literature goes bankrupt is that there is no dialectical and unified relationship between their narration and description; the fourth part mainly discusses Lukacs's evaluation of modernist literature. Lukacs's evaluation of modernist literature is closely related to his assessment of the naturalistic literature. Lukacs believes that the reason why the modernist literature goes bankrupt is mainly because they have not reached a dialectical unity of narration and description; the fifth part mainly discusses Lukacs's people's thought. In fact, Lukacs's discussion of realism is attributed to the question of "people". Luca The reason why strange criticism of naturalism and modernist literature is that their criticism of reality has not been associated with the lives of the vast majority of the people, and the reason why Lukacs highly appraised classical realism literature is because their criticism of reality is closely linked with the lives of the people.





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